Call me blunt, call me judgmental… I don’t care.

indicatorsI am going to share, in this article, some of the judgmental sounding questions I ask when I try to get a full picture about someone who is asking for help.

As you probably don’t know, judgment comes from ego, from comparison. I am smart and you are stupid… that is judgment.

You are stupid isn’t judgment unless you feel something in your chest or throat as you say it. Unless it means something about you.

I feel nothing, or maybe sadness, when I ask these assessment question… that help me make sense out of the convoluted picture each person is.

So I measure your vibration… and it’s, for example, low.

One of the most useful things I have ever done for myself

One of the most useful things I have ever done is this:

I would find a mentor. I offered my services to do whatever needed done. More often than not I learned useful skills through the doing. Skills that I needed for myself. And while I was around the mentor, I could learn from him.

Life needs a lot of skills to do life successfully. The opportunities to learn those skills is sparse… Because skills are not knowledge, even if they are mental, intellectual skills: they are the ability to do, to perform a skill… not to understand it.

skillsTo learn skills on your own stuff is very difficult. Why? Because you are too invested, you

Making choices: are you a rank amateur?

Risk-Management-2This may be the most important article you read this year, this decade… because this article may inspire you to become a professional at living, instead of remaining a rank amateur… aka bumbling idiot.

Risk Management

You have two options. You need to choose. You need to choose the option that has the lower cost to your reproductive success if it turns out to be wrong.

Now, I suspect, that almost none of us think about cost in terms of reproductive success, but according to evolutionary psychology, you are a mere vehicle to your genes, your genes are only inte

What is the bane of your existence? What kills your life? Your joy, your fulfillment, the love in your heart?

life-is-either-a-daring-adventure-or-nothing-5Everyday arrogance.

What is everyday arrogance? It is simple, and so everywhere, all the time, that it is invisible.

You see something. You hear something. And you know what it means.

That meaning that you know, and you know that you know it is everyday arrogance.

The fact that you know what is your job, how people are, what was the question, where you need to look, what is missing: without looking, is everyday arrogance. Already knowing…

Jumping to conclusions…

Learning and growing through simulation

Computer-Games-as-a-Tool-for-Language-Education2Life is a lot like a Freecell game. ((In an upcoming article I’ll share what it cost me to learn through life, instead of simulation. Quite an educational story… sad though… :-())

You make lots of decisions… which card to move, which card to leave alone.

In a very short time when you find yourself with no cards to move… it is mighty hard to retrace your steps. And even if you could, undoing the steps

Vibrational Review and a lot more: Dr Eric Berg

body-typesI had an interesting experience, very much in line with the Humility process I teach:

A client of mine wrote to me today recommending I check out a weight loss doctor. I did.

I went through an online self-evaluation which took me to a page where I could order my personalized regimen to lose the weight I carry on my belly…

I kept on bringing an open mind, curiosity… and finally ended up with what I could have started: I know nothing about weight loss… and I am not qualified to help people with their weight. Hm…

But I could learn, if that were my goal.

I muscle tested this guy, Dr

Another review, this time of Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness…

A few years ago when I first “reviewed” Access Consciousness I didn’t check for attachments… and unfortunately my high evaluation exposed a lot of people to the nasty attachments Access Consciousness puts on people. I apologize. If you are one who got involved, please get in touch.

The Gary Dougless, Dain Heer bunch is as nasty as Scientology, maybe even nastier because of their ability to put an energetic attachment on you and keep you trapped.

Here is an article I found online:

BY CRAIG MALISOW in The Houston (Texas) Press

“This is something I’ve wanted to do for the kids for a long time,” Gary Douglas says to an audience of children in an Austin hotel conference room over the summer. Other kids across the country are watching the seminar online.

Douglas, 70, just got done hearing from a mother professing gratitude to Douglas for bringing consciousness to her kids. He opened their eyes, and they opened hers. A