Republished: There Are 3 Categories Of Gurus Mirrored In The Three Types Of Seekers. Locate yourself by identifying your guru’s type. Clarity is power!

[This article needs further editing for clarity]

There are three categories of gurus and three types of seekers:

Category 1. The Hopeful Path: Naive, pliable, hopeful. Hoping that what you are doing is going to take you out of the misery: having feelings, and a constant battle inside between the aspects of a human being, each pulling in a different direction.They really really really want to be enlightened! Really… lol. But they know they aren’t. There is shame and guilt and sadness in their emotions, and often anguish: the fear of being caught.Ultimately you “do” this spirituality stuff to get away from being human.You fail. There is no escape… you are human, with all that comes with that territory.You are doing it all to fix a problem, and all solutions will become the next and bigger problem. You cannot fix being human… and that’s a problem for yo

What if a narcissist isn’t what they say? What if it is a developmental glitch?

In my work to cause the next human evolution, I am coming to a startling realization: that humanity line of evolution is moving backwards… back towards the dark ages. Not on the same timeline it has evolved, but on a dead end line… instead of going upwards, it is going downward. _1
One of…

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What is the work to become an Expanding Human Being? A case study

The sentence I hear only occasionally, is “But what is the work?”
It is not because it is not a question that concerns many, it is because you are trained to know the answer, or at least pretend that you do.
I didn’t realize this until yesterday. I did not connect the dots… I didn’t see the…

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What is consciousness, really?

I am here, waiting for the cable man to fix my internet. It’s been down since yesterday afternoon.
It is hard to remember what we did with our lives before the internet… for me it’s been 18 years. It is hard to figure out what I can do that does not involve the internet… Finally I settle on…

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How to enter growth mode the easy way?

In life you are either growing or you are shrinking. You are either moving or you are stuck.
When you grow, you feel wonderful, When you shrink, you feel horrible…
This article is about a method to to cause your own growth in a gentle easy way, little by little.
Below is my horoscope for the…

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Who or What is calling the shots in your life? Commitment – new thoughts, new experiences

This is a continuation of the c-word article… and the getting ready for a breakthrough article. Read them first or this article won’t make sense completely Displacement of your commitment: As I have written before, the “universe” or the aspect … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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