I expect you to hate me from time to time. It is part of the process.

colorfilter-largeSome people come around at some point. Some sooner than others.

The ones that come around tell me that after a while they actually could see what I pointed out. I respect them for that.

Ever since I embraced being stupid, integrated it into my personality, stupid became a phase rather than a conclusion.

What do I mean? Listen up, this is important!

subpricolorsWhen you look at something, you see what you see. (Same with hearing!) You see wh

You want it effortlessly… Want thrilling, want pleasure, want abundance…

surviving the weekI read a lot of books. About 100 books a year. Cover to cover. I don’t subscribe to Tai’s reading method…

I left a 2000 book library when I left Hungary. that was 34 years ago.

Every book is an opportunity to shatter my view of the world. And many do. Sometimes not directly… sometimes through the effect the book has on other people.

This is what is happening with this book I am currently reading, The Upside of Your Dark Side. And previously with the book “Curiou

What the Light taught me about YOLO

the secret for a long life well livedIt’s been an interesting week.

Ever since I’ve started to download the energy of the Days of Power, I’ve been wondering how I am going to know it’s working… how it will manifest, practically, in my life.

Whenever something new comes in, my imagination goes to the known, the familiar, and I guess that is how the human mind works.

So I had no idea what may happen, what could happen, given the energy.


Slow down. Most things, maybe everything that is valuable is invisible when things are fast.

slow downThe psychologist, Paul Ekman. who discovered the micro expressions slowed down the film to see the emotion that gave the suicidal woman’s despair away.

Slowing down your reactions will show you your real emotions… so you know, so you know what you are running away from.

Slowing down you may be able to find your strait and narrow… your path to your own happiness and fulfillment.

Fast isn’t going to cut it.
The fence that is built fast will fall down fast… and it is true for everything.

And interestingly everyone is looking

Everything that is valuable is invisible when things are fast.

going-nowhere-fastThe psychologist, Paul Ekman. who discovered the micro expressions slowed down the film to see the emotion that gave the suicidal woman’s despair away. Slowing down your reactions will show you your real emotions… so you know, so you know … Continue reading →

Journal Day 6, Entire USA ActivatedSlow down!Respect: look again… but this time differentlyBumbling idiots vs. Having All Your Ducks In a Row: which one is better?

Experience junkie? Spending all your money on courses?

the experience junkieI used to be a course junkie. I have recovered… This morning’s incident is a good indicator…

I found myself this morning unable to connect. Connect to Source…

When I closed my eyes, I was buzzing…

I muscle tested: Am I tired? The answer was “yes”. Shall I rest? The answer was “yes/no” Shall I meditate? The answer was “yes” Shall I meditate for five minutes? “yes”

I closed my eyes, and within seconds I had this huge upheaval, with lots of tears.

Now, what the heck is that about?

I didn’t forget that I have been downloading the Day of Power energy over the past 36 hours… and whatever is there, spiritually, can spill out, and be gone… reall

Taking people where Life wants them to go

the-roadmap-of-your-life_blog_maik-winkler-fine-artMost people I know are either stuck or are coasting… They are going noplace… fast or slow… it is unsatisfying and yet… starting to move in the direction Life wants you to go, or even where you want to go is near impossible… Just look at most people…

This article will reveal a secret… the secret of taking your life where Life wants you to go.

I have been clear that Life wants each of us to go someplace… not necessarily physical, not necessarily to a life-purpose, and yet it is a place. A non-physical place.

When I ask myself where Life wants me to go, after the almost immediate fear

Stress, pressure, and overwhelm… no wonder you are tired!

stress-lets-break-upIt was 9 am, and I was already tired… No, correction: exhausted.

So I went back to bed, really curious what was the reason.

I asked and muscle tested questions…

I noticed that I was not breathing deeply: in fact I could not. The breath would not go through.

So I doubled up on the question: what is the cause of this inability to take a deep breath? Health, concerns, each individually, and all said no.

Then I asked: feeling under pressure… stress.

And yes, that was it.

I asked: do I have any reason to feel under pressure… and the answer was “no”.

In that very moment the breath came back, and the tiredness was gone… It is back now a little… as I am w

Your sphere of influence and your vibration: what is the connection?

they sealed their friendship with bloodPeople do all kinds of things to raise their vibration. But one of the most important things they could do, they don’t even think of it.

I had a conversation with a student last night, and finally “diagnosed” why her vibration isn’t changing much in spite of all the calls she comes to.

And then I opened an email ((Hi

Most people decided to do nothing today. Nothing.

Some thought about doing something but then decided to actually do nothing.

You say: Sam, lots of people went to work today. Um…yea, I know. That’s actually doing something for someone else – their boss.

I promote a message of entrepreneurship. Monetizing your passion. Living every day likes it’s Saturday.


I almost screwed up the date completely… almost.

moon-calendarI am talking about the timing of the Big Power… coming down. But how did it happen? How could I screw up like this?

OK, fair enough. Let’s look how…

I didn’t do enough research and the power has been already coming down like there is no tomorrow.

This article is a tad meandering… you need to just walk with me to get the benefit. If you do, you’ll like it. If you don’t: you’ll hate it. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!

I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was in bed, but not sleeping. The energy was so strong. Now I am starting to understand while, like clockwork, some nights I am so full of energy I can’t sleep… This is new to me too…

On the positive side: The big energy will sti