This morning I am running on fumes… (or how to increase your Twitchy Little Bastard ((TLB – Twitchy Little Bastard; a person who is counterproductively anxious for results. Who has no ability to control his urges…)) score)
Some activities fill you up, some activities drain your energy.
One of the most important capacities one can develop is to tell the difference… and start managing one’s energy.
Sometimes you give your energy to another and get back nothing… Maybe money, but money does not fill you up. Money does not give you energy. It may buy groceries… but even groceries only give you physical energy.
The depletion is of psychic energy, of spiritual energy, of intellectual energy.
I just realized that I left out one of the most frequent energy leaks, need leaks from the last article.
And that is the minuscule pleasure you gain when you feel clever, when you feel you got one over someone, when you are told you are clever.
Or maybe that you are pretty. Or maybe some other compliment, that you are put together. Or that you do a good job.
Any compliment that you find important.
You are the guy/gal who, when you do the five questions exercise, you pay attention to the positive feedback. When you listen to me: you are waiting for the positive feedback… and hear none of the negative, or if you do, you grieve about it, but won’t change a thing.
I am reading a book ((Return to the brain of Eden by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn. Truth value: 7%. Careful, that means 93% b.s. If it is such low truth value: why am I reading it? Because, as you’ll see later in this article, I can tell truth from falsehood, because I read with my right brain, I can get from the book what I need, and none of the b.s. You can’t… yet.
I just started the book, but my hunch, at this early on is that what they say about food is what’s off… )) that says that humans used to be able to live from their right-brain, meaning they were a lot more intelligent.
You need to get better, maybe even good at it. ((Unless you are a cat person and willing to risk that only people who can’t connect to anyone else will connect to you.
By the way, this may not be true for cats… Cats are a lot smarter than that.))
So here are a few “memes” I picked today.
When you distinguish something, the whole world seems to rotate around the thing you just distinguished, so feedback showed up everywhere.
And I got acknowledged by two people on the trip to the grocery store… so I am getting better too… lol.
OK, here are the pictures…. almost…
What should you do with them?
First off figure out, feel why they are feedback. To whom? Does the feedback apply to you? Are you the one giving it, or you could have gotten it your self?
Have you been ignoring it?
Is there a way you could take it a guidance?
Guidance to what?
You want to ask the question: Do I want to be the kind of person who needs this feedback?
And how it doesn’t mean to please everybody, or even one person. You’ll see…
Our language is so corrupt, it is hard to find a person who means what they say… I mean the words. You’ll see what meeting others’ expectation is… Not what’s on the illustrations… 🙁
The most willfully ignored need, in my experience, is the need to meet others’ expectation.
What prevents you from honoring that need is a misunderstanding. Or we could say: the mis-weighing bias. All biases are misunderstanding how things work, shortcuts that give you a different result than what you expected.
In not honoring but ignoring this need, your chances for success, your chances for love, for self-expression, for happiness are so greatly diminishe
If you are on this site, you will find yourself, more or less, in this article. And it may change your life.
A student writes,
Hi Sophie, I think I take trivial and superficial things too seriously. How can I let go of these immaterial incidents or people and focus on important things that truly matter to me?
I also find out that sometimes I become the victim of scams.
this was my answer
This is the sign of two things, Kate: 1. your map of reality isn’t very similar to reality. 2. you have too much importance attached to nice words about you… i.e. you want to be defined by words not by your actions.
It is the main reason I read the book Feelings, to f
If you could energize your cells, you could energize your whole body… including your brain. You could get stronger, more resilient, and do better in life. But…
Using just the Energizer Audio is a relatively slow method of energizing your water.
There is a saying: watched pot never boils…
It’s an idiom, but there is a lot of truth in it.
When you watch the pot waiting for the water in it to boil, you don’t have a lid on it, do you?
If and when you put the lid on, suddenly the water starts to boil.
The hardest thing for people is to find the middle ground, the sustainable, the mean. The smooth. The life they claim they want. Everyone, on and off the internet, is trying to monopolize your time.
It is a lot like walking on a rope… any movement, leaning to the left immediately needs to be balanced to the right.
In rope dancing the consequences are clear and immediate.
In plate spinning: the consequences are clear and immediate.
In life, even in business, the consequences are removed, timewise, and unless you are astute with a very wide cone of vision, you don’t know what you are causing with each and every movement you make…
If you wanted to change… if you actually wanted to change… so your life can change too… where would you make the change?
I just had a conversation with one of my students who shows promise to be able to change.
On a side note: where do I look when I assess who will change and who will not?
I will look at two places:
1. do they argue or offer explanations or excuses when they get feedback from me. Argument, explanations, and excuses are the sign of a foolish person who won’t take feedback, and either won’t change, or will do it to either curry approval from you, or to prove you wrong.
2. An immediate testing tool is the 5-question exercise. If they do it, that is a
I went to my chiropractor today: my neck was stuck.
I took a ride with the community center van. On the way back the driver of the van gave me feedback on myself: eager. As in eager beaver… busy body, annoying, rushing people. (I was early in the morning, and I was waiting for him outside when he came to pick me up. I meant to make it easier and faster for him, but that is not how it landed… obviously.)