I have been observing myself as a spiritual practice. Trying to “remember myself” as Gurdjieff would say it, call upon the “witness” or “observer”. Be awake. Either way, I have noticed something remarkable about myself: see if you can relate.
When I am in front of my computer* (where I spend most of my day) and I encounter something that requires the slightest push on my end, I see myself automatically going to the computer game of my choice, freecell.
I began observing this phenomenon about 6 months ago (it was there, unobserved, for many years). But 4 days ago I decided to employ “restriction,” which is one of Kabbalah’s main tenets, and see what will happen.
For about 36 hours I closed the freecell program as soon as I opened it. Then every time I was “awak
I am working, one-on-one with people who submitted their pictures of their setup of the water energizer.
This has been one of the most brilliant things I have ever decided to do.
Without feedback one may imagine a lot of things, but with feedback, eventually you arrive to the truth, to reality, and there is no room for imagination, fancy, or any other unreality.
The reality is this:
The Water Energizer works… you don’t.
There are not many “moving parts” of a water energizer setup.
There is
1. the sound source. A device that can play an mp3 file 24/7. Preferably not something you use for anything else, or something you turn off.
There is a Landmark Education distinction that no one gets…
It has a huge overlap with the distinction “you live in a world of your own design”.
This, the “you live in a world of your own design” is somewhat like the Law of Attraction: you attract what you are… but much deeper. It is BEING that, not feeling, or thinking only, though you may feel and think it as well.
But thinking and feeling don’t create being… the reverse, the opposite is tr
Talk about useless activity! Tree of Knowledge, mind candy, justifying self… all the bad stuff. Bad for you… keeping you exactly where you are… and if that is a bad place… then it keeps you firmly anchored to that bad place.
And it is the overwhelming habit of readers of my site.
But to make it even worse: it is the habit of some of my 67 step students.
Useless, waste of time, unless all you want is entertainment. Then I understand.
So if you actually wanted, what you read/listen to, to make a difference for you, what should you do?
In this article I will share with you a period of my life when things happened with a lightening fast speed, and I made those things happen.
It was 1988, and around February I got fired. It was my fault… I forgot that I was supposed to lie to cover for my employer… and I let the truth slip. So I got fired.
Then I got really depressed. I got thrown out of a program I loved and was really good at in Landmark…
I had no income, no hopes for income, and I was depressed.
I started to go to a 12-step program and with a little help, ok, a lot of pushing, I did start to look what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, now that everything I knew was closed for me.
Living in the three levels of value, the systemic, the extrinsic, and the intrinsic, lived fully, and balanced, is the secret to the good life.
The Indian sages, including the Buddha, skipped the extrinsic. They taught people not to live there. They had a disdain for it.
But work is on the extrinsic level, making money is on that level, so skipping it means living a life of charity. Living a life where you cannot value another person on all levels… because you don’t value the values of that level.