The idea for the Muse came from Ariel Garten, personal vibration 120, a Canadian entrepreneur… curiously deserving a Wikipedia entry, while Dr. Joel Wallach hasn’t. Ugh.
Canada is home of the lowest vibration on the planet.
Cone vision can be wide and narrow, or Short and long… This distinction was driven up today by a student question: He watched the movie “The Founder” about Ray Kroc of MacDonald’s fame.
I haven’t watched the movie, but in it, according to the student, Ray Kroc was offered the chance to sell franchises to the MacDonald method of making and selling food. To the student’s sensibilities: Ray Kroc was shortchanged: the deal was not a win-win. And having to always be in an obvious win-win is one of his preferences… and therein lies his no success… Let me talk about what is happening in a long article.
Everything you see can be looked at many ways. In this article I will talk about seeing inside the visi
I started to read the book by Edward Deci, “Why we do what we do. Understanding self-motivation”.
This is the first book, that I know, that defines self the way, or similarly the way I do…
To become a person, to have autonomy, self-determination, self-expression, integrity, self-motivation, the most important job is to find the self, by distinguishing what is the driver of all your actions, whether it is inner or outer.
And if it is inner… is it the self, or is it the “not-self”?
Greed, narcissism, hate… area inner motivators, but they are all the not-self. So are all the “negative” emotions, like frustration, haste, the desir
I mostly hated it, especially when he is elaborating on his non-cult cult’s rules… ugh.
What is most striking in all the diet-cults, to me, is their ignorance of the fact that food, unless it is prepared in a tasty, mouth-watering way, isn’t nourishing for most people.
I had two health calls in the past two days, and both people ate in a cultish way, for health. What they shared are these:
Their essential nutrients were not fully supplied to the body, even though the foods they ate had them.
They ate according to someone’s idea of healthy eating.
Meaning: Following THAT Star. The alternative is Meaningless
This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
Humans are strange animals: they need meaning to make their lives to feel more than just existing. They need purpose to give a backbone, to give direction, to transform a life of prose to poetry.
But life is, in itself, empty and meaningless… so how do you find the meaning, how do you find the purpose?
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
What is the Islamic State?
Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comme
I promised in my email… and here it is: my current understanding of the vibrational number
Dr. David Hawkins, whose vibrational or consciousness table I have been using to explain what the numbers I give you when I measure your vibration, thought that your emotional state correlates closely and well with your level of consciousness.
Instead of arguing that… what is there to argue?
You feel the way you feel.
On the other hand, if you look at those emotional states, it could be said that they hide, hide well, beingness states.
In the game of life, when you are losing, or not winning, the two things that can be missing are moves and DNA capacities.
The game goes the way the game goes, but you can play well and with a full deck, or not. Life deals a hand that you can play to win, and you can play to lose…
Each game in life has moves. Winning moves, and losing moves. You can have all the winning moves if you can’t see the consequences of your actions, you won’t win. And even if you see the consequences of your actions (capacity), if you don’t have moves, you still lose.
You may need to do a lot of preparation work before you can start doing the work in earnest
As I said, raising your vibration is like fitness. ((Your IQ, as in intelligence, is also like fitness. The difference is that you can raise your fitness in one lifetime, but you cannot raise your intelligence in one lifetime.
Certain ethnic groups have been focusing on intelligence, understanding, mostly.
Other ethnic groups focus on fitness, speed, endurance, strength.
And yet other ethnic groups focus on survival, easy life.))
Is ADD and ADHD a nature or nurture phenomenon? There is a surprising answer: we compare American and French children with regards to ADD…
Based on an article by Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D. “Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD? French children don’t need medications to control their behavior.”
First off: what is ADD and ADHD?
Attention deficit disorder is a symptom. According to Dr. Daniel Amen, when an ADD/ADHD person wants to concentrate, at a certain point their prefrontal cortex shuts down… much like your computer crashes when you overload it.