Why? Because the majority is always wrong. In most cases majority/minority is an extreme proportional inequality: 98-99% to 1~2% The other extreme is: 90% to 10%, meaning: the “good, productive, true” is never higher than 10%. There was an Italian … Continue reading
4 principles of a life that is enjoyable, fulfilling and financially rewarding at the same time.
I look at my dreams as guidance. Now, you need to know that I almost never dream a whole story… I dream moods. Some situations. Last night I dreamed about going back to Israel, meeting people I had known, experiencing … Continue reading
The non-physical pain of being devalued…
There is a very interesting phenomenon and I just experienced it full blast.
This is how it goes: I write something. I think I know what i am saying. but hours later it hits me… wow.
So I wrote in my previous article, this morning, that all pain and suffering you experience is experiencing your own resistance… resistance coming from the 14th floor words: “This should not be…”
And most non-physical pain you experience comes from the devaluation of the “I”… or the perceived devaluation… and the feedback that is causing it is resisted.
So, consequently all non-physical pain comes from your resistance to feedback.
OK… I said more or less this… but how true and how general it is just hit me.
Here I am sit
Can you be delusional? I bet you have never thought that about yourself…
Most of the things I find out were in front of me, in plain sight, but I could not see it.
As I am going deeper and deeper into teaching people to feel their feelings, so they can return to the Tree of Life, I am on uncharted territory. I encounter stuff that has always been there… and in this new context it hits me funny… weird… illogical… counter intuitive: to me.
Whenever I see things from the level I am, most of the things I see are things I have never had, and therefore they are new to me. Unfamiliar… Alien.
Such is the thing i want to write now: the delusion that you need to meet everyone’s expectation of you.
That it is your duty to be good enough for everyone, fast enough, smart enough, deep enough, pretty enou
A look at feelings… going under the hood
I have been saying in every article now that the 13th floor is a dynamic system.
Why dynamic? Because the feelings have direction, content, opinion… and they interact, pull, push, stop you…
Moving, changing, pulsing, etc.
Humans are not simple machines, and yet: every complicated machine is made up of many simple machines… and so are you. The more you allow the machine to inform you, the more fulfilling, the smoother, the more enjoyable life becomes, with you in the driver’s seat.
You know I am corresponding with the creator of the books, Feeli
Heroism vs. incremental process: choosing will choose your life for you
I just read an article on our mindset, collective mindset, where you wait until something goes really wrong and then you seek out help. It’s here in pdf form… for your convenience. incremental-medicine
This is the mindset in every area of your life, health, wealth, love, and happiness.
Anything that doesn’t require drama, heroism, anything that is not over the top is ignored, poopooed, looked down upon. In every area of life. By you, and by “them”. You dream of being a billionaire while your bills aren’t paid. You dream of a p
Why is the “need to meet others’ expectation” so important, and why it’s a mistake to not honor it?
And how it doesn’t mean to please everybody, or even one person. You’ll see…
Our language is so corrupt, it is hard to find a person who means what they say… I mean the words. You’ll see what meeting others’ expectation is… Not what’s on the illustrations… 🙁
The most willfully ignored need, in my experience, is the need to meet others’ expectation.
What prevents you from honoring that need is a misunderstanding. Or we could say: the mis-weighing bias. All biases are misunderstanding how things work, shortcuts that give you a different result than what you expected.
In not honoring but ignoring this need, your chances for success, your chances for love, for self-expression, for happiness are so greatly diminishe
Success leaves traces… as in footprints in the sand
Success literature, books, articles, movies about success… are they worth following?
Success leaves traces… as in footprints in the sand
If you look at what people did, how they did it, the tracks converge and become the “strait and narrow’, exactly the way Leo Tolstoy says it in the Anna Karenina Principle.
So there is no wonder that I am finding articles nowadays that I could have written myself, if I were a success writer.
There are three types of success writers and success coaches.
- One type: they can talk… and talk… and talk. No success where they are, because they don’t even try. They live by teaching something that they learned… but never successfull
When you don’t fit in… what can you do?
If you are on this site, you will find yourself, more or less, in this article. And it may change your life.
A student writes,
Hi Sophie, I think I take trivial and superficial things too seriously. How can I let go of these immaterial incidents or people and focus on important things that truly matter to me?
I also find out that sometimes I become the victim of scams.
this was my answer
This is the sign of two things, Kate: 1. your map of reality isn’t very similar to reality. 2. you have too much importance attached to nice words about you… i.e. you want to be defined by words not by your actions.
It is the main reason I read the book Feelings, to f
Non-physical pain… or pleasant feelings… explains nearly everything you do
This article is dangerously personal…
Last night I watched a movie, Children of Men.
I remember seeing the trailer 10 years ago when it was a new movie. Then I never heard of it again until yesterday. That it is an accurate showing of where we are heading and where we already are.
I didn’t have anything else to go on, so I watched the movie almost till the last five-ten minutes not knowing what I was “supposed” to feel.
The reality it shows is horrid. Not supported with any emotions, any feelings whatsoever. So it made no sense to me. Why are these people killing each other?
But in the end the movie showed something it was worth watching for: men bowing to, in wonder, being uplifted b