Capacities are like doors: they can be closed, they can be open.

Closed door, closed capacity: that is clear. No traffic is possible. Open, that is a whole other ball game: the door can be open anywhere from 1% to 100%

I activated the Unconditional Love capacity: the degree to which the intrinsic Self and the invented, the fake self can interact and bring peace, joy, fulfillment, creativity, curiosity to one’s life.

Watching people, I am more than certain that they think: I’ve done it…


My capacity is 70% open… Not 100%. I have done this activation a 100 times. I have the activator in every glass of water I drink. And in five years I got to 70%.

Matsa, my very first student is at 50%.

And another old student of mine is at 10%.

What is the difference?

  • The frequency and the intensity of the activation
  • The willingness and aptness to act consistent with the new relationship between the selves

The inner jail keeper…


The reward system that robbed you of your Self… and made you a pig that doesn’t want to fly

As a Jew, I have, firmly rooted, a conviction that I am a chosen one. Not The Chosen One, but A chosen one.

This may be the secret to my attitude that I hear guidance in so many things.

And because I expect guidance, it shows up.

This may be the secret…

It is Monday morning, and of course, the Monday Morning Memo has arrived.

This morning I chose to listen to the memo, instead of reading it.

The memo was dramatized, much like a radio advertising… Radio advertising I haven’t heard in many years.

Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?


To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.

I am continuing the inquiry into curiosity… the intrinsic motivation of humans… how you lost it, how to rekindle it… and what might be in the way.

I am going to use myself, because curiosity is so rare, and so relatively unconscious, unobserved, and unacknowledged, that I don’t even know who I could ask about their own experience… Let’s hope that this state of affairs will change soon.

The hectic, information driven culture in which we live, where everyone considers themselves eligible to post

Taking a break for rest… does it mean you are off-track? That you stopped?

life-testing-youI watched and followed the first Metabolic Prime workout videos.

He said something interesting that I want to expand on: resting is part of working out.

Now, I don’t know much about working out, but I do have some experience… This article won’t be about working out though…

I live on the top of a hill. When I moved here 13 years ago, I could walk down, around the hill, and up again, on a different street, in 12 minutes. I clocked it.

Today, due to aging, pain, and lack of exercise, it takes me 3-4 times longer. A big deal.

So when I signed up to the senior exercise class, I was praying that I could get back up the hill, on my own power… but took money with me for a cab for security.

This was thre

The skill to identify and the skill to overcome your dominant way you avoid to grow

pikes_peak_from_garden_of_the_godsIt’s eerie how soul correction that is calculated from your date of birth and zodiac signs, calculated from just your birthday can be so very accurate in their core.

By core I mean your base nature. What you are inclined to do, the attitude you are inclined to have.

My horoscope for the next weeks or so… by Rob Brezsny:
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Pike’s Peak is a 14,115-foot mountain in Colorado. It’s not a simple task to trek to the top. Unless you’re well-trained, you might experience altitude sickness. Wicked thunderstorms are a regular occurrence during the summer. Snow falls year-round. But back in 1929, an adv

Slow down. Most things, maybe everything that is valuable is invisible when things are fast.

slow downThe psychologist, Paul Ekman. who discovered the micro expressions slowed down the film to see the emotion that gave the suicidal woman’s despair away.

Slowing down your reactions will show you your real emotions… so you know, so you know what you are running away from.

Slowing down you may be able to find your strait and narrow… your path to your own happiness and fulfillment.

Fast isn’t going to cut it.
The fence that is built fast will fall down fast… and it is true for everything.

And interestingly everyone is looking

Your vibration is an indicator to what degree you use force, forcefulness, and forcing

force-v-powerAnimals are not forceful. Plants are not forceful. Why? Because, while the selfish gene is quite forceful, the animals surrender to the selfish gene… and go “with” it.

Humans are animals with a mind… and the mind is forceful. More forceful than the selfish gene…

The selfish gene is clear on what it wants: it wants to increase itself in the gene pool. That is all it is interested in. It negotiates with nature, with other species, with toxins, with members of the same species continually to lead to evolutionary stable strategies…. ess in short. It adapts or it dies. The more adaptable, the more aware the gene and the vehicle, the more successful the gene is in propagating itself, and it thrives. It cannot

The connection between how you feel and the level of your deep curiosity factor

The connection between misery and the level of your deep curiosity factor

curious-bookI am reading the book “Curious” and I am looking at curiosity waxing and waning in my life, in different periods.

I am in the intensely curious

Why you feel how you feel and what can you do about it?

doggie-languageMost people live in a constant “this is not right… this is not where I am supposed to be, this is not how I am supposed to be, this is not what I am supposed to do” jerky place.

It seems inevitable, it feels bad, and all of it is based on delusions, pretenses, and lies.

Obviously you can’t see your delusions. That is your “reality”.

  • But… if you don’t feel good, if you don’t see clear, if you don’t have a 360 degree view of the world in most issues… they you can be sure you have delusions.
  • and… if you don’t go for growth, learning, profound well-being, fulfillment, expertise… they you can be sure your life and actions are based on delusions.

Your ignorance in health matters… even if you are an MD

foodcombiningchartNo advice, no course, no program can give you everything…

… including my health consultation… unless…

What is this unless, that has been showing up in articles, for the past few days?

Unless you have a basic and accurate understanding of life, of health, or physics, of chemistry, of biology, of spirituality, no program is going to do much for you.

This is the main reason most programs have only a 1-10% results rate… Not because the programs a bad, but because the participants don’t know much of anything.

And I am talking about you.

Even if you are a reader… you don’t understand what you read, unless you have a basic foundation to understand what you are reading, to build a