More on joy, and how I am learning to have joy in my life

joy is an inside jobMy first foray, my first venture into joy or joyous is trying to figure out what joy is. After all we don’t know necessarily what words mean when it comes to feelings… do we. We, children, watch and learn… but in a world where what you see is a mask, what you see does not represent a feeling accurately, because the person isn’t feeling it, because the person is faking it, the looks don’t help.

My hunch is that joy is fabricated with the intention to cause craving for it, to cause an acute sense of the lack of it.

Actually, when I watch people who enjoy something, they

Are you the gift, or are you the gift giver? Do “they” feel they need to give you a gift?

you-are-the-giftI was looking at Christmas this morning and I saw something that I had never seen before.

Your relationships can be described in terms of gift giving and receiving.

For some people, in your life, you may be a gift. You and your life. And for others, you substitute that by giving them gifts at the predetermined gift-giving time… and buy another year to not be a gift.

I know, I know, I am off my rocker… but maybe you are! Have you ever thought about that?

I was looking at my relationships. Allowing the other to be a gift takes generosity of spirit. And to be a gift yours

The Law of Action


There is a huge misunderstanding that most of you are the victim of: thinking that you need to be ready to do something, that you need to get rid of fear or discomfort to do something.

One of my clients is dealing with an issue. To solve the issue, I asked him to talk to people in the same kind of business as his, to pick their brains what to do in the winters when there is no snow… i.e. there is no business, no revenue… and he still has to pay his employees.

He is afraid. I get that. But he is not doing wha

Cinematherapy: what does it do? It teaches you to feel.

FeelingsMovies with good actors do it better…

American actors are mostly useless, but it may be because American directors have no empathy? And yet some of the most missing feelings I got from American TV series I have watched through Netflix. I have recently learned family love, and being able to choose, ultimately, what is win-win… in a series I am watching now, Blue Bloods about a Irish family of cops in New York City. I also had a peek at something I didn’t know I wanted to feel: how religion is for people who have faith…

I don’t know if it is the actors or the di

The capacity of the sight… that gives people like Warren Buffet the edge

warren buffet has the capacity to see the consequences of his actions openWarning: as always, the most important things are explained in the footer part of the post! Don’t miss them!

Some weeks are like this: I do something, see something, write about something important, and on Monday Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo echoes it.

This is the case this week… You know when you manage to do something whose time has come? Gratifying, rewarding, like the Universe nods in your direction. ((Roy Wil

Does it look hopeless? To have fulfillment, and a life worth living?

Part 1: The Question I just got off a call with my friend, Alex. This call was about starting a business that can make money for me… I asked him to coach me about 10 days ago, and we’ve spoken … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
Related Posts:I first encountered this phenomenon in Israel 30 years ago… the first signs of an infection by the Dark SideThe Gifts Of Complaining And Other Weird and Politically Incorrect Phenomena That Produces Dramatic ResultsUpdated: What is Source’s Take on Negativity?Want to have a purpose in life, be fulfilled, satisfied, happy? This article is for you…Your Life’s Purpose Can Be Expressed in a Sentence… What’s Your Sentence?

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The Dark Side… Its Last Attempt To Gobble It All Up, You And Yours. What Can You Do About It?

The Dark Side… What is the Dark Side? What I thought the Dark Side was, has gone through a lot of changes, from the mundane to the very sophisticated. If we look, we have approximately as much information and clarity about it as we have about the dark side of the moon… we can’t see it