One type of memes that you honor as the truth are called a seemings. It is that way… but if you can change the saying: “It seems to me that…” then it becomes a seeming.
Why turn something into a seeming?
Saying “It seems to me” starts turning on the capacity of responsibility.
Responsibility, the way the capacity sees it, is a privilege. It is a way to look at the world where your power is intact, and you have access to it. Access means: you can feel it, you can use it. Power for what? Power to be well, power to change something, move something, create something.
When you say “It seems to me” you suddenly take responsibility, to start the process, by saying th
Business, marketing, and other business things are not my favorite things to learn or do. Even though I come from a family where three out of five (I have two brothers) have MBAs, and my father was god of the topic in Hungary…
I gave up going for it one credit short: an enemy of my father would not let me pass an exam…
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
~Thomas A. Edison
I don’t like these topics because they need organization, creating systems, and I am not good at them. I tighten up when I have to do things I am not good at.
I could learn to be good at them, but everything comes at a cost, time and brain cells taken away from what I am
It is time to rewrite the book, Truth versus Falsehood, on muscle testing, measuring for truth, and other practices that most everybody uses to cover up that they don’t know. To cover up that they are amateurs out to get your money.
So who has to write it? Me… and I don’t like to write long things: I am a really short article type person.
People tell me that you write long things the way you write short things… but I don’t know if this is true.
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article
I mean this article to be the first installment in a series.
The underlying principle is the Anna Karenina principle
The Anna Karenina principle
The Anna Karenina principle is: good systems must meet simultaneously a number of requirements. All good systems are alike, bad systems are bad in their own way
Tolstoy said: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way
Aristotle said: success/failure: …it is possible to fail in many ways (for evil belongs to the class of the
Gurus teach this… but obviously even they don’t quite get it… The order of things is this: Being creates the doing and the doing creates the having… If this didn’t make any sense, you are not alone… billions are in the same place… WTF does that mean?!
be – do – have
But getting it would make all the difference for you: suddenly finding constructive actions, actions that actually lead to what you want… And between you and me, that is not a small thing. I get lots of requests to muscle test for people if the actions they decided leads to
This is a good question to chew on, observe, test out, for a True Empath.
The fate of humanity, and your personal well-being, evolution, raising your vibration, depends on your relationship to perfection.
How? Perfection is imposed. Perfection comes from your relationship with something outside of yourself. It’s a comparison, and you live in a constant fear of “falling from grace”, falling short of perfection. The rules are set by others with an agenda. The agenda isn’t overt: in fact, it is a manipulative agenda. The goal is to keep you out of balance, keep you failing, keep you suppressed, keep you small and de