If investing 10 years in service of learning a profession, learning an art would make you a winner… then there would be a lot of winners. A lot more than there are…
There must be something more that most people don’t know or don’t do…
…and neither do or know their mentors, their trainers, their managers, their teachers. (( I am watching, currently, a South Korean series, Misaeng, about a boy who is proof to what I
This article is about the inner workings of a human… that if you get it wrong, the price you pay for the error is your life.
Is a human like a assembled faucet? When it drips you have to replace the whole thing?
I energize my water in a 5 gallon (20 liter) plastic containers with a spigot.
The spigot is replaceable, but I am not strong enough to unscrew it. I have the replacement spigot… I bought it a year ago, but is still sitting on my kitchen counter. I still need to be mindful that the old spigot, which is just another word for water tap… still drips.
Desire is a mental energy. It is impossible to desire something you have not imagined or seen. So desire is comparing an image of something and the way it is, and that gap is what is called desire. Now, desire has this imagination element, that shows the object of desire, the finished “product” as if […]
For those of you who came here just for the numbers: the guy is guided by greed. Dr Eric Berg’s personal vibration is 170, the same as Tai Lopez, cut from the same cloth… and the method depends a lot … Continue reading →
I find that most people want to be mindless… Get a solution and never look again, never think again. Tai calls this: an experiment run too long. But for most people experiments are non-existent. They want to live their lives … Continue reading → Related Posts: What does the “good food” you eat do to […]
Many of my coaching students are at a crucial point in their lives where unless something happens, they probably won’t move forward.
Fear, unclarity, self-centeredness, belligerence…
The main attitude is different. Not one person resembles another in what seems to block their path.
It’s the coach’s brilliance, creativity, insight that will either make a difference or not. What is clear is this: unless someone or something helps them through… they will stay this side of the great barrier.
Great responsibility, but I am up for it.
What is the capacity I need to be OK with this responsibility? It is self-trust. Self trust says: I can dea
I am watching it through the filter, through the glasses of the spiritual capacities encoded in the DNA…
These spiritual capacities enable humanity to live in peace, to grow, to allow individuals to grow, to allow Heaven on Earth.
You need to know some personal stuff about me: I am the child of Holocaust survivors. Out of a big family, only my parents, and three second cousins survived.