I am watching you… lol. Not like Big Brother, more like I learn from you what you need. Where you are defeating your best intentions, where you leak energy, where you get it wrong.
And because you are here (I hope at least some of you) to get help in attaining to the good life, so you want me to watch you… it is for your benefit.
I was just telling one of my students the biggest missing he has: The principle that
everything you ever wanted comes to you through other people
or as Wallace D. Wattles says in The Science of Getting Rich: the gold coins won’t roll out and to you, they will be in the hands of others.
I used to lead introductions to the Landmark Forum.
There is a part in the introduction where you attempt to distinguish for people that most of what’s knowable for a human: you don’t know. Moreover: you don’t know what you don’t know.
Then you ask a simple question: Can you give me an example of what you don’t know that you don’t know?
In most groups there is at least one person who tries… Everybody laughs… because the answer to that question can only be: I don’t have an example… You can give an example of what you used to not know but now know… but that is an answer to a different question.
Now, one of the beauties of reading is finding stuff that you didn’t know that you didn’t kn
Given that I am recommending the 12-week Mastery program, I am keeping my finger on the “pulse” and watching the videos of the 4-video series…
Two reasons:
I am watching for flaws… either in the program or in you… so I can warn you against spending your money… again… on something that won’t make a difference.
I am watching to see if I should do the program myself…
I have just got a glimpse of a flaw that most everyone I know has… including myself… at least in some areas.
I suddenly got a glimpse why people are resisting doing my 67 steps coaching.
It came from Step 19 of the 67 steps… where you are asked to budget lots of money to just read… Read anything… Any good book.
And the resistance of people is tremendous. Because… this is what I wrote to a student of mine (whose yet unattainable goal is to make money) in my coaching:
I think admitting that you need to raise your foundation, from which you attempt to make money is difficult, because it is like a summary judgment on YOU…
“do you mean I am not good enough to make money the way I am”
The inner view and the outer view of who you are are vastly different. Your chances for success, love, happiness depend on the accuracy of your self-image. ((self-im·age
noun: self-image; plural noun: self-images
the idea one has of one’s abilities, appearance, and personality.
“sickness is an affront to one’s self-image and dignity”))
Do you know that people see you differently than you see yourself? And both you and other people see you differently than you actually are.
You may see yourself worse or better or just plain different than you really are… and so do others.
Your life would work better if the two views were closer. You’d h
Source says: You can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well… This is the signal I have been waiting for.
To be able to do Source’s work, I have surrendered to giving you what you want.
You want to grow? Then you want to be well? Not my favorite topic, not as high minded as I hoped I will work… but Source says: I can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well.
Maslow has said it, and it should be self evident: unless your basics are covered, money, health, you won’t have any interest and any energy to give to spiritual growth.
What you are, instead alive, is a walking dead, resigned, and settled for the little that, it seems, life has to offer. To you. You see others, seemingly happy, seemingly alive, and you feel regret, shame, and envy.
Your heart, where rain forests and colorful birds, and life used to live, is devastated. The lush rain forests gone, the birds gone, life: gone.
Your ups and downs are tiny, not like a roller coaster. They are about money, or noise, or that you are fat, or skinny, or that you are aging. Irrelevant circumstances.
Maybe it is about someone being sick, maybe dying… but that is also a circumstance.
What is the easiest method to shift someone’s state of being?
We already know. Children, when they cry because they hurt themselves, can be brought out of crying by directing their attention to something more interesting, more engaging.
I use it in almost every coaching conversation I have with people who are stuck in some unproductive state of being, like sadness, despair, maybe even resistance.