There’s so much you want to learn, need to learn, should learn… so much, in fact, that you don’t know where to start.
Most people get inspired for some goal, sprint at max effort for 1-2 weeks, burn out, push the goal into the back of their mind, and never touch it again. New Year’s resolutions are a classic example. Campaigning.
Let’s look at how to improve your chances of success.
First things first—check your bases.
The first thing you should do is touch base with yourself. Ask: “Is what I want what I want?”
I know that is a funky question… of course… but ask it anyway! It may not be necessarily so!
Sometimes, we lie to ourselves about what we want. Other times, we are
I have, so far, dropped 23 pounds, about 10 kg. My bone structure is starting to show… starting. I didn’t diet, but I completely overhauled my diet, removed everything that doesn’t agree with my body, and added all the nutrients that are essential. I feel good, I have no cravings, and it is very sustainable… I can live like this till the day I die.
I have gone from completely sedentary, because of pain, to sprightly, as some people called me yesterday. I now only have pain when walking.
I am in better mood than ever, I laugh easily, and feel good about my life, about life itself, about
I watched this hour and a half long documentary on Sun Tzu’s lessons, and real historical wars America fought inside and outside of America.
I wept throughout.
I value, overall, human life. Even if it is the life of someone I don’t like, don’t respect, or who is the enemy.
So it was painful.
If you are one of those who doesn’t have the stomach for real life, who only wants to know about the nice things in life… You are stupid. Life is life, people are people, and life is war.
As you know it is the 50-year anniversary of my high school graduation.
I had a bunch of extraordinary folks as classmates: they have been meeting every year for the past ten years… and this year they decided to redo the yearbook, which is not a book in Hungary: it is a big board with everyone’s picture and their names.
In addition they decided to ask for a report from each student, to document their 50 years since graduation. I sent in my report, and I made a new picture with my webcam.
I received the report about their last 50 years, from 22 of my still living 33 class mates from the best high school in Hungary. (The school was so good, they wanted me to leave, because I wasn’t good enough, at age 16. My father had
Given that I am recommending the 12-week Mastery program, I am keeping my finger on the “pulse” and watching the videos of the 4-video series…
Two reasons:
I am watching for flaws… either in the program or in you… so I can warn you against spending your money… again… on something that won’t make a difference.
I am watching to see if I should do the program myself…
I have just got a glimpse of a flaw that most everyone I know has… including myself… at least in some areas.
No advice, no course, no program can give you everything…
… including my health consultation… unless…
What is this unless, that has been showing up in articles, for the past few days?
Unless you have a basic and accurate understanding of life, of health, or physics, of chemistry, of biology, of spirituality, no program is going to do much for you.
This is the main reason most programs have only a 1-10% results rate… Not because the programs a bad, but because the participants don’t know much of anything.
And I am talking about you.
Even if you are a reader… you don’t understand what you read, unless you have a basic foundation to understand what you are reading, to build a
I suddenly got a glimpse why people are resisting doing my 67 steps coaching.
It came from Step 19 of the 67 steps… where you are asked to budget lots of money to just read… Read anything… Any good book.
And the resistance of people is tremendous. Because… this is what I wrote to a student of mine (whose yet unattainable goal is to make money) in my coaching:
I think admitting that you need to raise your foundation, from which you attempt to make money is difficult, because it is like a summary judgment on YOU…
“do you mean I am not good enough to make money the way I am”
I have been muscle testing, diligently, if the stories that sell products, courses, software, are facts or made-up likely stories.
A likely story is a lie.
We, marketers, are taught: facts tell, but stories sell.
And so every sales letter is one story of another.
I used to be a liar, because I didn’t think life was interesting enough, so I embellished it. I was caught, and it didn’t matter. I just kept making up interesting stories, mostly sob stories about myself.
I was selling myself… and because I didn’t think I had anything to offer, I lied.
In this article I will share with you a period of my life when things happened with a lightening fast speed, and I made those things happen.
It was 1988, and around February I got fired. It was my fault… I forgot that I was supposed to lie to cover for my employer… and I let the truth slip. So I got fired.
Then I got really depressed. I got thrown out of a program I loved and was really good at in Landmark…
I had no income, no hopes for income, and I was depressed.
I started to go to a 12-step program and with a little help, ok, a lot of pushing, I did start to look what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, now that everything I knew was closed for me.