Does “not that bad” have you by the balls?

More than half of my site’s visitor come to download the codes by Grabovoi, for free. Grabovoi’s numbers are the type of miracles that people hope for, angels, spirits, gods… ((99% or more of those visitors are from Catholic countries, by the way.))

I have contemplated that maybe I should remove those articles, and maybe I should.

Why? Why would I want to remove a post that brings in so many visitors?

I tell you why! Because people who are interested in those numbers, are not my people. They want miracles, angel dust, prayer, magicians, shamans, or some other form of “please do it for me” magic.

Of all the people that searched for the Grabovoi codes, I am aware of one person who stayed and became a star student of mine… One out of hundreds of thousands.

But what if the people who search for the Grabovoi codes need my help?

What about the people who don’t feel well, who are bloated, or can’t get enough rest in the night, tired, sluggish, listless, depressed, not en

A second look at the glass ceilings… or what I saw today at the skill finding workshop

My takeaways from session One of my skill workshop

Some of my students are struggling to make real headway in the world, because they haven’t been able to see where their abilities could make them a success.

Although I haven’t lead the “What color is your parachute” skill finder workshop …

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When you don’t know what you are about, you are lost

One commonality among my many readers is that they don’t feel well. That they are plagued with too much activity in the mind, that they listen from their minds, and that they have negative emotions that they resist, avoid, run from, urges they succumb to. They are in forceful resistance…

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Negativity… are you protected enough?

We are all trying to live a great life, stay clear headed, be productive, feel good about ourselves.
But, it seems, the world is full of negativity. Gurus teach us to isolate ourselves from that negativity, to think positive, to remove negative friends from our circles… but with all that…

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Self-Respect Is The Key To A Great Life: When You Like Yourself You Like Your Life

Sophie Benshitta Maven Tweet Respect means two things: the original meaning: double take, and the new, politically correct meaning: honor. I will mean the original meaning in this article: the act of looking again. Because when you first looked, the past