What it takes to get ahead in life, what it takes to raise your vibration from where you are now

We must admit there are people who do LIFE better than we do, they get ahead, they live well, seem happy.
How do successful people do it? They have good judgment. But where do you get such good judgement from? Good judgment comes from bad experience. And the bad experience comes from pain. What…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13290/no-guts-no-glory/

Panache Desai’s Soul Signature… Dissolving Density Programs and why they don’t work

Any program that talks to your mind, the automatic thinking mind, is doomed to fail. But first it will titillate, soothe, much like a lullaby of a mother.
Why cannot they change you, and actually move you up where your soul wants to go?
Because you are stuck on low levels, young levels, and to…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13282/panache-desai/

You live in a machine and you feed, unwittingly, the machine

Every single human (and to a certain degree lots of animals) has automatic ways of being, that could be called a machine, because their behavior is predictable, it is machine-like. Push a button and outcomes the same result, every time.
Every person I know is, more or less, an emotional wreck……

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12885/machine/

How to Think For Yourself… or Don’t be a buffalo

When buffalo were still common in North America, Native American hunters learned a trick to hunt the herd animals. Buffalo don’t look up when moving as a group. In fact, if a few buffalo in a herd were startled into running, the entire herd would charge, even if most of the buffalo had no i…

Why aren’t the gurus happy? Why is it that they smile outwardly but burn in hell inwardly? Is Christie Marie Sheldon happy?

Sophie Benshitta Maven

There are two categories of gurus: they actually have something to offer that is valuable… or had at some point. they never had anything to offer, they are pretenders, fake, marketeers I will address only the first group throughout this … Continue reading →

Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/6669/gurus-2/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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The 39th Bach Energy: The Yew: Desire for the Self Alone

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What Is the Important Job I Am Supposed to Do Now, That Is So Urgent That I Am Banned From Measuring People’s Vibration?

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Why Muscle Testing Is Your Enemy and Why You Avoid the Truth Like a Plague?

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You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t Die The Night Before

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Drive, Passion, Desire, Want? Which Should You Cultivate If You Want To Get Ahead? Or How To Grow Wings And Fly

You can be very happy with your life and grateful for its many blessings while simultaneously desiring more. _ 1 There is a whole group of people that specialize in helping you find your deepest desire … the desire that has enough energy to motivate you to take risks, to learn new things, to become an expanding and happy human being. And every class they teach, one or two people claim they found what was an authentic desire for them, but we never find out if that desire had enough energy for them to get over the hump