I am always suspicious of things, books, movies, series, that are best sellers.
Why? Because if it is likeable by the masses, then it probably is full of low vibration stuff.
The other day I didn’t feel like reading heavy duty stuff, I was craving story. Stories are very important to humans: you get that as you can. Most, alas, gets it in gossip. Facebook, trash sites, click-bait and such.
The vibrational level of gossip is 70. Adjust your vibration to get closer and closer to 70.
Sitting in the living room, pretending to do your own work, while others gossip: you would be sitting in your bedroom if you would ever want to be higher vibration.
As people round the steps in the 67 step coaching program, as they begin the second cycle, they start to see new things, or they keep on seeing the same things…
Some see the things from memory. Comparing. “Knowing”. And some from actually seeing.
Step two (in the 67 steps) introduces the idea of the Selfish Gene, evolutionary stable strategy.
This point is where people diverge: one in the direction of the Tree of Knowledge, the other in the direction of the Tree of Life.
It is really amazing to watch them go, unaware of the other path.
I will illustrate this with their own words… but before I do, I want to set down some principles:
As you know I do health consulting. Most of it is about how to eat and what to eat.
Yesterday I found out that my clients don’t know how digestion works, and therefore they guess at how to eat… Because this seems to be the general picture, that people never learned about digestion, I see that I need an emergency article…
In this article I rant about widespread ignorance, your ignorance… about how things work. Then I teach you stuff you want to know but never learned… about your body, about eating, about the secrets of being well…
This is paraphrasing the famous Leo Tolstoy quote: “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This is the Anna Karenina principle… As all principles do, it applies to many, maybe even all areas of life. A principle is the same as a distinction… I say.
But truth is, if you know distinctions, if you know patterns, there are only about 50 different ways to get stuck… and your way is just one or two of those.
The hardest pull to resist is the pull of your “how” nature. Or what type of activity do you rush into… headfirst… That activity can be four kinds… four conative types, four types of conative actions… reading, planning, action, and execution.
Scientific name for your “how” is Conation. It is innate, and it is NOT changeable.
Regardless… I have been looking at taming my own… I find that it is not tamable. It is what it is.
But I have come to suspect that what you do after you do what your Conation makes you do is when the magic happens.
You see, all people belong to three types. People who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who wonder what happened. But
Parents are not trained educators. They don’t allow you to be a child: they only care about themselves… not you, no matter how much they pretend, even to themselves. You, as a parent, are the same way…
You would be better off living in a children’s home where everyone is trained in personal growth.
Because parents are much like those fraudulent personal growth, get rich, get well and thin, “take a tablet and become forever young/pain free/etc.” marketers.
Why? I guess a stupid person cannot teach another to be smart.
What is smart? It is smart to Learn from Life. Life has been around, successfully, way longer than you and me.
It was time for self-reflection today. I am almost done with it.
I have come to the conclusion that it is time to pay attention to what I can control, what is within my control, and give little or no attention to what I can’t… where emotions would run high, fear, anger, concern… for me.
I noticed something today about some of the most successful people I know… which might help you…
Can you guess at how they might have responded to the election?
They did not respond the way that most Clinton supporters did.
And they did not respond the way that most Trump supporters did.
They did something different to the majority… because the crowd tends to be wrong. What makes us, as h
Creativity comes from the “other than conscious” activity of the brain. The part that is neither linear nor word based.
I spend a large chunk of the day allowing it to do what it does…
It is allowing whatever is going on in the brain and in the body to go on… The best way is to make yourself busy.
Washing the dishes, vacuuming, doing the laundry, walking, or playing Freecell…
One of the useless things Tai teach is what he calls armchair meditation. He wants you to do serious linear thinking… which is proven to be a lot less accurate than your other than conscious brain doing the work unattended.
Why? Because the other than conscious mind is not corrupted. It doesn’t think one thing is good becau
I completed the third round of the 67 steps, and my intrinsic Self told me: it is time for another kind of practice.
So I have been curiously waiting for the “thing” to show up, and today it did.
Actually it started two days ago, but I noticed it today.
I need to get on the chiropractic table periodically to adjust my hip, or it goes out of shape to the degree that my thigh bone jumps out of its socket. That is very painful.
So I got on the table today… and it’s a long process… and somehow I was looking into what started my hip pain, whe