My site gets a lot of hits… people looking to find out how they too could become astute…
Astute people are happier, wealthier, more popular than others.
Of course they are looking for a quick fix to what the opposite of astute is: blindness, unawareness, cluelessness, being a bumbling idiot, or not being able tell their elbow from their ass.
I am not talking down at anyone… I was looking at myself to come up with those opposites.
We are clueless some of the time, most of us: most of the time.
Sometimes the turmoil is caused by some inner pressure that is societally driven.
When being true to yourself is not politically correct.
Your ability, your capacity to hold controversy and ambivalence comes really handy when you have a turmoil.
Why? Because the urge to call the turmoil wrong, and the urge to look for a fix is overwhelming if you don’t have that capacity, that emotional and spiritual maturity.
And most people don’t.
Having the capacity to hold the idea and the opposite, without being overly perturbed is a very high capacit
The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt ? Imagine yourself having a hammer, walking about in the world… you would have that hammer handy all the time, like a carpenter. How would the world occur to you? If you hadn’t gone into your head for an answer, you would have said: hey, I would be looking for nails, after all why carry a hammer around for nothing…