Yesterday I had an “energy healer” type of person on the Open Mic aka Talk to Me webinar.
Normally these webinars are really fun: we talk. Students ask questions, some great, some simple and to the point… they have fun, I have fun, and our relationship deepens.
Yesterday was a different kind of session: there was this “energy healer” guy… and he was into arguing, debating, talking about what he thinks, what he learned, blah blah blah.
He considered my webinar his forum to disseminate his wisdom. His learning. His take on the world.
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A few years ago I found myself attracted to a healing modality, the Healing Codes. I heard the testimonial about the little boy healed from Leukemia. It had relevance to me: I was worried about an angry red pulsating mole-like growth on my arm. Going to a doctor was out of the question, dying didn’t appeal to me, so I chose instead to attempt some self-healing.
the “Bars class” as taught by Access Consciousness Gary Douglas founder of Access Consciousness, personal vibration: 300, method’s vibration: 200. It is low because it is based on falsehood, yet it works… very puzzling, isn’t it? Gary is an empath This healing modality identifies 32 points on each side of the head. when you touch the points that are symmetrical, you create a bar
In this article we’ll talk about the source of the many energies, and examine what they do. Energies that come from Source, from All-of-it, generate harmony. If you read the description of all the energies I embed in audios or … Continue reading →
Summary: Distinctions are windows to reality. They are questions asked as the beam of flashlight shining on reality but pointing out only the parts that answer the questions. This article will shine a light on the question: how secure are … Continue reading →
Read More Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more Be the first to comment…
You send for a vibrational reading. I send it to you. Your vibration is 130, your wife’s is 200 You email back: That’s very strange and looks wrong. Coz we are very wealthy healthy and happy. You think that your … Continue reading →
Read More Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more Be the first to comment…
The video is rushed… I had a webinar scheduled… and I wanted to video to be short… it’s about 10 minutes… I may have to redo it… Please let me know if I should redo it or if it is … Continue reading →
Read More Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more Be the first to comment…
Some people are like grasshoppers, others like butterflies, some bees, bumble bees. I seem to be the kind of person that sticks with one “plant” until its juices become tastless, or until it’s time to move on. My current fascination … Continue reading →
Read More Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more Be the first to comment…
Vibrational Reviews: Vibrational Reviews: Nickie Thetsy tnano, Master healer John Douglas, Adam Shiffman insight energetic, Andrew Bartzis, Elizabeth K Stratton, Aluna Joy, Christel Hughes, the healing codes, Source Healing, AFT, smart minerals, Dr. Kurt Ebert and AFT Nickie Thetsy (personal … Continue reading →
Read More Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more 1 Comment – Read what others are saying about this post…
What will happen when the new healing modality and the self-improvement, behavior improvement, mood improvement, life improvement method gets out and big? Will it get squashed? Will I get crucified? Burned at the stake? What will all the injured parties do?