One night, the Shah dressed up as a peasant to enjoy the evening air undisturbed by his rank, and to wander through the streets of his empire unnoticed. He walked through town and reached the poor section of town. The street was quiet, but suddenly he heard singing from a little cottage. As he peaked through the window he saw a man sitting at a table.
He was amazed that such a poor man would be in such good spirits. He knocked on the door and asked if he would be welcome to join the man as a guest. They ate and drank together. After the meal the Shah asked the man how he earned hi
We live in a culture where we are supposed to live at others’ convenience. Where we are all supposed to dance to the same tune, march to the same drummer. Get excited about the weekend, even more excited about holidays. Want to be with our families, eat a big meal, and complain about indigestion afterwards. […]
In life, victory goes to the most adaptable… says the law of self-selection. The easiest to observe is yourself… when there is a long enough holiday: 4-day holidays are perfect. If you get into the holiday mood: doing pretty much …
We look at life through the space we locate ourselves in. When you go home for the holidays, you have a space inside which you interact with your mother. You have a space inside which you interact with your father, … Continue reading →
If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.
Train him to not trust his feelings. In anything. Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. Train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.
Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.
I have been seeing that everyone is trying to make a last sale to spruce up the bottom line. This sale and that deal…
I ponder if the distaste I have for haggling and pitching and forcing people to buy is going to render me, forever on the poor side.
As long as you hand over your money to the loudest vendor… yeah, predictably.
The funny thing is: I have bought a few of these fantastic headphones that are an all-in-one mp3 player and headphone.
I listen to the 67-steps on one. I listen to the da
I don’t want to change you into my vision of you. Rather, I want to motivate you into becoming the person you are capable of becoming.
– Life Mapping (Bill Cohen)
Display and existence. These are two Landmark distinctions.
As I am looking at my students, the biggest missing is not intelligence, not diligence, it is these two distinctions.
I am still doing the preparation series for the mapping your life, or lifemapping workshop: I want you to come and do the work, instead of listening to me doing teaching.
Every learning is 5% input, and 95% you doing what you need to do, practicing it, using it, putting it into action.
So this is what these distinction and the article about
Injecting energy into something… as a way to delay or avoid entropy. Entropy is the tendency of everything towards dissolution…
This is the fourth time I heard this step, but this time I heard it the expression “injecting energy”.
If I missed it even though I heard it three times, how many things do you miss?
If you think that you hear everything… you are delusional.
If you think that the only reason that you miss something is because you didn’t put all your attention to what was being said: you are still missing the point.
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine~Alan Turing
I watched yet another movie about Alan Turing and how his machine won the war against Nazi Germany.
I would not be around without him. And you would live a totally different life… The book (and the Amazon series) The Man in the High Castle approximates…
I am in awe. With what he did, with who he was, with genius winning, with goodness winning.
For me holidays are important, because they are not routine. And because it is so easy to be in a routine, and not consider it a rut… even I need something outside to change to take a different look at … Continue reading → Related Posts: Soul Correction: Forget Thyself Soul Correction: Trust But Don’t […]