One step in the 67 step program is to look what area of life isn’t integrated into your life… At first I could not think of anything, but then I had an insight: I started to look at what doesn’t get done… and I saw that anything that is not integrated into my life… doesn’t get done… or if it is, it’s a chore, drudgery.
cleaning, throwing stuff away, etc.
Why? Because your life has a purpose, probably hidden from your view. And that is your life, the life you want. The life you consider life, living… And everything else is death…
One of them actually did what I did, followed my example, and wrote to me about his experience. He is astute ((having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people)).
So what did the rest of them do? Some of them, at least, hugged themselves, and felt the pain or the sadness.
Did any of them have a conversation? Yes. Some of them.
So why do I say they didn’t do what I did? Because they didn’t catch that I didn’t talk about what’s wrong with me…
Very “interesting” experience. I watched the first year of Dexter, and although I wanted to watch all episodes, the first year was not addictive.
But I had a premonition about the rest of the series.
Made up by skilled television writers, I knew it was going to be something dangerous to my well-being.
Unneeded complications, many different side-story lines, all dramatic and irrelevant, all stories I would not watch Netflix for. But all of these side-stories had a claw as sharp as the tiny hooks of burr… of v
One of my students wrote to me this morning. He said:
Ok I finished my billing the other day but something I didn’t catch yesterday and this morning I got caught in my lie of not generating I relaxed. I now know I have to be more aware of this now.
Oh that… the hidden reason so many quit. The hidden reason why people quit before they get results. The hidden reason life is a series of flashes in the pan for most people.
It can be best illustrated with a story I have shared time and again, but it fits here perfectly.
Let me ask you something: do you have to deserve a body? Did you have to deserve to be able to read?
No. Deserving is much more basic, and much more profound than that kind of deserving, which would equate the word with earning.
Earning is a mercantile world’s word: it measures your work, or your merchandise against the asking price… earning.
But deserving is different, regardless how crazy that word drove me when I was a kid. My kid brother whining that he deserved whatever he was whining about.
I didn’t think I deserved anything, so he asserting that he de
Don’t feel stupid, 99% of all people have no idea what skills are. This is one of the secrets that make people stuck in the dead end job they are in… not knowing what skills are, and not knowing what their skills are.
Skills are abilities, true and tried abilities you have used and used them well enough to succeed.
Are you a nerd? ((One description I found on the internet is this: a NERD is an individual of vast intelligence and curiosity coupled with a natural knack for academics and discovery. You not only appreciate technology, biology, and all the other ‘ology’s – you know what they mean and how they work, too! While Geeks are busy flooding comic-cons and using the internet while pretending to know how it works, you are busy coding the damn internet and earning your Masters or Doctorate (if you don’t already have it/both). Of course t
There is a huge misunderstanding that most of you are the victim of: thinking that you need to be ready to do something, that you need to get rid of fear or discomfort to do something.
One of my clients is dealing with an issue. To solve the issue, I asked him to talk to people in the same kind of business as his, to pick their brains what to do in the winters when there is no snow… i.e. there is no business, no revenue… and he still has to pay his employees.
The less capacities you have the closer you are to the bottom.
Asking what those capacities are, those seven is a little dumb, but just think about it.
What does everyone who went to school has to have as capacity? Reading, using language, i.e. writing ans speaking, adding numbers, recognizing faces, smells, sounds, telling the time, basic stuff.
You may be able to cook.
You may be able to clean.
You may be able drive…
But they are not capacities: they use capacities, but they are behaviors…