It is good to know where you are at. With all the pretending, with all the charts, you probably overestimate or underestimate your vibration, your vibrational frequency.
Is it change your really want?
Change vs. what you really want
We all say we want to change. Change ourselves, our financial situation, our habits.
Some of us only use the word because we don’t know how to say what we mean. But most of us literally mean: change.
But there is a problem with the phenomenon: change. It actually gets you more of what you are changing.
It sounds like an oxymoron. More of what I don’t want? Yeah, that’s right. More of what you don’t want.
Updated: Albert Einstein said: No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. Could this be applied to consciousness training?
I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.
These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to go or leave, to let go or to fight.
It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.
If they use the insights I give them and don’t make them their own, they run the risk of making a decision “because” I said so.
One of my students asked “is it a matter of meditating over this decision now?”
This particular student has been a meditator for five years. The particular form of meditation he is doing with some master is to open up his ability to gain insight from All-of-it.
And this seemingly intelligent move, to meditate to gain insight is what I want to talk about today.
If you are a “normal” human being, brought up by parents or caregivers, if you went to school, if
Are you a nice person? Let’s take a look at that
Is it fear? Or is it unwillingness?
The human DNA isn’t a DNA for kindness, caring, or any of the “nice” stuff we are supposed to be.
In fact, it will take changing the DNA to go to the next level, to the level of human being, to be able to be kind, caring.
Our “soul correction” is the path.
I have created a separate blog for Andy Shaw’s A Bug Free Mind
To answer the question in the title: I am not sure. I am guided…
In addition, a site where you can find all the “mind bugs” as Andy Shaw calls them, can be really useful.
My Playground program is the program where most of these “mind bugs” get driven up, but unless I write, in an …
Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read if you want to become confident!
Lacking confidence?
Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.
A confident person can do almost anything….
Go read the rest of the article
The truth, that I found three layers deep, will set you free
I am most famous for my ability to distinguish. Distinguishing is a rare capacity, the ability to tell the forest from the tree. It is solidly based on the ability to peel off layers so one can get to the root… and often below the level that used to be considered the root. Layer below layer below layer.
This past week I had the good fortune to go deeper yet again.
What is the fundamental and profound difference between a human and a human being?
The level of evolution where you are is called human. The next level is called human being.
I know, I know, everyone says, even the dictionary, that you are a human being, but it’s a misnomer.
Levels of consciousness explained
If we continue with the analogy of climbing a circular staircase, in each paradigm you can be at the bottom of the steps on the top, or anywhere in between. ((Look at the picture on the left: on the bottom there is crowding, competition… towards the top less and less people are on the steps… that is exactly how it is in raising your consciousness… people give up.))
Let’s consider that it takes 100 rotations to get to the top of the staircase inside your current paradigm. Wherever you are, you’ll find yourself somewhere on that 1 to 100 scale. Most likely closer to the bottom… Sorry.
Double your reading speed… would that be really good for you?
One famous marketer is filling my mail box with emails to double the speed of my reading. I used to jump on offers like that, I have taken three different speed reading classes, one even back in Hungary.
It seemed to me, like it probably seems to you, that getting the knowledge out of the written word faster would double your knowledge, and maybe double your success.
It makes sense, doesn’t it?