There are good days, there are bad days, and there are days when I am hit with stuff I consider bad. Blech.
Today is one of those.
And days like this are a great test if in fact my TLD is as high as I claim as it is. TLD is your Twitchy Little Bastards’ score: how much pain you are willing to take for a delayed benefit.
Where TLD comes in? I find myself already running. I want to take a nap. I want to eat. I want to go unconscious.
Why? Because bad news is not pleasant. And more than that: I need to say it publicly.
I am scared, and I want to hide.
But I am going to swallow the frog (or was it kissing it?) and tell you what’s going on.
The inspiration to coach using Tai Lopez’s 67 steps came from one of my all time favorite books, the Neal Stephenson novel, Diamond Age.
In that novel, science fiction, far in the future, a scientist puts together an interactive book, a primer, for a rich and influential client’s grand daughter. And then he steals it… meaning: duplicates it without permission.
Around the time when I graduated from Architecture School, my brother impregnated a woman 10 years his senior, who wanted to get married.
I recommended that he pay for her abortion and call it quits.
To my surprise he listened to me. (This is the phenomenon, when it is NOT pushing on a string… rare) I didn’t know why and how I knew that the woman just wanted to marry a Jewish boy… that it wasn’t for love, or for mutual support. I didn’t know I was an empath.
Knowing what is people hidden nature is a blessing, and is a burden. And an invaluable tool in coaching. You can’t lie to me…
Most people want to go down danger’s, death’s path… it is their path. Talking to them it is like pushing on a
We all have a need to fulfill others expectations of us, and also some of us have the need to fulfill our own expectations of ourselves.
Now, what if someone says something about you, or something that you like, find important, says something that conflicts with what you think about yourself, your self-image? Your “I” you consider your Self. (it isn’t… by the way)
Your experience is that you are devalued. ((devaluation. means The decrease in value of one currency in relation to another, usually by action of the government. When a currency is devalued, it buys less in foreign markets.))
Some countries need to manufacture a history for their people. Other countries created one by following a credo, an ethic, that is personally binding.
Father Geoffrey invented a history for England.
The question we’ll look at: can you invent greatness for another… Can a great path that doesn’t oblige have any positive influence on the person, or instead it will give them wrongful pride… “I am better than you” nationalist or racial superiority?
Let me examine the difference between the different stories of different peoples, so I can explain the difference between the individuals who hail from different cultures.
I am going to bumble my way through this… so expect this article to be a little chunky… I apologize ahea
We could safely say that your vibration number faithfully expresses the degree of alignment between your personal reality and actual reality.
Your personal reality is your map of reality.
You built your map of reality, what you think is out there, what you see out there, what you hear, taste, touch… filtered through your map of reality… you built that map through what you were told, and what you took from what you were told.
The average vibration on the planet, at this time, is 128. That is a 1% truth value, a 1% match between your personal reality and reality. It means that you don’t see 70% of what is out there. And what you see, the remaining 30%, you see it 70% wrong.
This morning I am running on fumes… (or how to increase your Twitchy Little Bastard ((TLB – Twitchy Little Bastard; a person who is counterproductively anxious for results. Who has no ability to control his urges…)) score)
Some activities fill you up, some activities drain your energy.
One of the most important capacities one can develop is to tell the difference… and start managing one’s energy.
Sometimes you give your energy to another and get back nothing… Maybe money, but money does not fill you up. Money does not give you energy. It may buy groceries… but even groceries only give you physical energy.
The depletion is of psychic energy, of spiritual energy, of intellectual energy.
I am continuing the “fire in the belly” concept from the previous article I am what you would call a “quickstart”… Although conation (Kathy Kolbe’s testing method, most interested in how you do things) measures something innate, like it’s your … Continue reading →
If I asked you: how much of my articles you actually get… What would you say? Experiments and tests show that if you have the right attitude, high level of interest, and you are coherent: you can receive as much … Continue reading →