Your life can be expressed and turned around by your two favorite fairy tales. Find the second, the redeeming story, while connected to Source

The two fairy tales that give you your life I am running three developmental courses right now. Developmental courses and personal conversations are: How I inform Source on what needs to get done and what’s in the way of humanity being willing and able to be all they can be; How I test ideas, theories, activators, methods and such; How I find out what people can do, what they can’t do. What they can learn; and what they cannot learn because it is not a skill, it’s a talent, a gift. How I get great ideas for articles, like the idea of the two fairy tales

Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments To Prosperity: The Spiritual Laws of Money That You Have Not Known Or Ignored And Now Paying The Price Part 4

This article began here… so to be able to follow, please read it from the beginning Part 4: How does this look in MY life? These spiritual laws of money… I have been in business for a long time (since 1979) First I was an architect, then a land developer, later a magazine publisher, a body-worker, an energy practitioner, a webmaster, a coach, information publisher…

You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want: The Nature Of Reality

You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want Warning: this is a very advanced article. You should probably start with the easier ones if you are here for the first time. OK? An interesting glitch in the nature of reality is that our driving desire, the answer to our dreams, the one thing that would seem to fix our complaints doesn’t fix anything.

Vibrational review: A Course in Miracles

Vibrational review: A Course in Miracles People swear by it. Then I look at the people. Their results, their attitude in life. and I wonder. So finally I decided to muscle test its vibrational frequency

On the Eve of 2012: Soul Correction: Take the peacock, for example…

Soul Correction: Take the peacock, for example… In this article, I create a new context for 2012: one that makes this New Year the REAL beginning of the thousand years of peace. I start with a story… don’t get distracted: it is a teaching story..

Vibrational Review: Caroline Cory,

Raise your Vibration by Connecting to Source Video Raise your Vibration by Connecting to Source Video – Connecting To Source Meditation with Caroline Cory, This unique “Connection To Source” allows you to spontaneously raise your vibration , merge with your … The OMnium Method, developed by Caroline Cory, is a revolutionary healing technique that allows the spontaneous alignment of the physical cells and the human energy field with the Universal-Source Frequency (beyond planetary and galactic) and provides an instant and permanent cellular reprogramming. This method essentially recalibrates your entire physical being to the Universal (Source) Frequency and allows you to return organically to your original vibrational blueprint that is healthy, whole, connected and properly aligned. My vibrational review:  Caroline Cory’s personal vibration:  200.  Meditation: 245. Why so low?

He that cannot ask cannot live… Do You Know How To Ask Questions? The Kind Of Questions That Make A Difference?

Here are 15 questions. They are not easy questions. It will take a little looking, a little pondering to answer them. Maybe even asking others… when the question asks for that.

What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are? How To Hire Me As Your Coach?

What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are? This is a tricky question, so don’t just shoot from the hip and leave (like you always do)… let me show you something that you probably didn’t know.

Star Trek The Next Generation, Plugged Up Toilet, Foul Breath, Higher Vibration

Star Trek, Plugged Up Toilet, Foul Breath, Higher Vibration If you know me, you know that I love movies. There was a time in my life when I thought that meant that I should, somehow, be involved with movies. Today I know better.