The original sin… how you can stop paying, how can you stop suffering?

As I promised, the next step in creating your life that discouragement is only a rare guest in, instead of a tenant…

I am going to start with a somewhat gossipy story: my conversation with my mentor, Gyõzõ Margóczi, the brilliant engineer who wrote the books “Feelings” and “Words”.

I suggested that he thinks about developing a feedback device, that gives you valuable feedback on your feelings… because being in touch and understanding the dynamics of feelings is the hardest thing for a regular human.

And everyone is a regular human… 🙁

His answer, pay attention, was that there must surely be a rich man, like Bill Gates, who would want to stand behin

Are your actions effective? Constructive? And if not, why?

This may be the most important article for you to read… Don’t complain that I didn’t warn you!

One of the things mainstream (all the gurus) get wrong is this: they consider you a constant in opportunities. Constant as in fixed… As if you were the same when you are afraid, and when you are confident…

You are not constant until you are on the vibrational level of above 900. How do I know? Because I can see the difference in me and in my ability to act constructively, even though I am above 900.

Let me explain: The YOU, the watcher, the Observer, the maker of decisions is not constant.

Even mainstream can see that, but they don’t know what changes when you go from putz, ineffective, flailing limp dick to someone who can take effective actions.

They think it has something to do with your beliefs. That if you implant a belief in you then you will see what to do, and you’ll know how to go about effective actions, including the seeing, the words, the strategy.

Or they

“If it is to be, it is up to me”

“If it is to be, it is up to me” The horizontal and vertical dimensions of life
Most people interpret that statement, that declaration, in a rah-rah, motivational slogan way.
But even when they use that narrow interpretation, they don’t commit to it, they don’t lock themselves in, they don’t…

Go read the rest of the article