Updated: Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

suck-you-drySoul Correction: Finish What You Start

Update 7/10/2016:

The archetype is the flatterer scam artist. If you are their victim: They will hook you with their compliments, flattery, while suck you dry, take you for your last dime, without ever caring about you, and without ever delivering on what they said they would do.

If you are the person with this soul correction: You find yourself with projects half started, never finished. You find yourself getting enough satisfaction out of buying a self-improvement program, but you don’t actually listen to it or use it.

Your self-image is “insignificant.” Maybe even weak, inconsequential, not important. Or you suffer from delusions of grand

The Chess Master’s brain… and how can a real smart person be so stupid?


…or what is the secret ingredient in The Machine that a chess master has or doesn’t…

I have been observing, for no reason, chess masters. Haven seen movies, read books, watched videos… for no reason… other than to allow consciousness to see.

WTF, right?

It is normal to do things for a reason. For fun. For research, For learning. But to take consciousness, like a baby, to the zoo? Who has ever heard anything like that before?

But, as you will see, this is one of the defining differences between humans and human beings… Human beings have layered intentio

What can Columbo teach us after 30 years? In becoming an expanding human being…

What does Columbo can teach us after 30 years?Do you remember Columbo? The detective in his rumpled trench coat?

I watched all Columbo episodes I could while still in Hungary, it was that long ago.

In one of those episodes a person got suddenly thirsty and went out for a coke, during a movie in a cinema… And I don’t remember if he was killed, or he was set up…

I don’t remember, because the show was about subliminal messages spliced into the movies to increase coke drinking, etc.

The length of exposure is very brief, an it is in the mid

Cinematherapy: what does it do? It teaches you to feel.

FeelingsMovies with good actors do it better…

American actors are mostly useless, but it may be because American directors have no empathy? And yet some of the most missing feelings I got from American TV series I have watched through Netflix. I have recently learned family love, and being able to choose, ultimately, what is win-win… in a series I am watching now, Blue Bloods about a Irish family of cops in New York City. I also had a peek at something I didn’t know I wanted to feel: how religion is for people who have faith…

I don’t know if it is the actors or the di

The distinction between behavior and capacity… doing and being

self-trustA new student of mine writes:

I think self trust is a big challenge for me, and building self trust is necessary as a foundation before I can trust others and build authentic relationships. I gain self trust by genuinely provide value and service to others. There is no short cut in gaining self trust and trust from others, and I need to build my skills and deliver my value solidly step by step, like building from the ground up to a skyscraper.

In my current choice in career path between the two opportunities, the important thing to consider is not what job it is, but rather which job allows me to use my skills to provide

Are you arrogant? Oh, no, not you? How dare I say that?

Yesterday I had a coaching call. One of the students was talking about her difficulty of getting to sleep and then starting her day. I checked her vibration and it was 130, slightly under her usual vibration of 150. As … Continue reading →

Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/9705/phd/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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Middle Of The Road: Public Inauthenticity or the art of getting off the hook

Sophie Benshitta Maven “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.” — Elie Wiesel … Continue reading &#

Soul Correction: Finish What You Start

Soul Correction: Finish What You Start You find yourself with projects half started, never finished. You find yourself getting enough satisfaction out of buying a self-improvement program, but you don’t actually listen to it or use it. Your self-image is “insignificant.” Maybe even weak, inconsequential, not important.