Are you a nice person? Let’s take a look at that

Is it fear? Or is it unwillingness?

The human DNA isn’t a DNA for kindness, caring, or any of the “nice” stuff we are supposed to be.

In fact, it will take changing the DNA to go to the next level, to the level of human being, to be able to be kind, caring.

Our “soul correction” is the path.

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Many people grieve continuously. What do you grieve for? Is it grief or is it depression?

Believe it or not, grieving ((from Wikipedia: Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, spiritual, and philosophical dimensions. While the terms are often used interchangeably, bereavement refers to the state of loss, and grief is the reaction to loss, along with nostalgic longing for something or someone that probably won’t return.

Grief is a natural response to loss. It is the emotional suffering one feels when something or someone the individual loves is taken away. Grief is also a reaction to any loss. The grief associated with death is familiar to most people, but individuals grieve in connection with a variety of losses throughout their l

Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read if you want to become confident!

Lacking confidence?
Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.
A confident person can do almost anything….

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I Am Quite Comfortable In My Home Away From Home. My Life Isn’t Working. My Soul Is Shrinking. Our Planet Is Dying, Our Livelihood Is Threatened, But Go Home?

Capacities are like skills:

you either use them or you don’t

You either recognize them or you don’t

You either develop them or you don’t… but the rest of your life depends on it.

The capacity to tell truth from illusion, reality from unreality

…is one such capacity is at the root of developing beliefs that will support you and what you are up to. The enemy is introduced below:

Reality? Collective hunch at best.

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How to develop the capacity to ask intelligent questions that also alter your reality?

Yesterday I had a long conversation with one of my students. I suddenly had an insight into soul correction, that had been hidden from my view before.

How did I get to that insight? I asked different questions.

Asking different questions is one of the missings for you. On the level of human, this is ultimately the most important factor that the lack of it is holding you back from “ascending” to the next level of evolution where you can create your state of being at will.

Our upbringing, our education, our culture, our society, does not like questions. Especially different questions. Poking questions.

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Christmas, alone, my empath mother, being the true empath, and getting to no thing

As far as I can see back, Christmas was a painful reminder that I am alone.

I always wanted to go home… home was a place where I longed to be, but I had no idea what that would be like. Surely where I lived wasn’t home. Surely the people I was with left me feeling alone.

Later, relationship made my life busy, but I still felt alone. Not envying others, not something wrong, just alone. Like you are on the top of a mountain, and no one to share the experience with.

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the doors to heaven swing on little hinges or the delusion that keeps them closed

>What’s missing that ALL self-improvement, self-development products end up on the “fraud” pile that is as high as mount Everest?

Ultimately there are two types of teachers:

Can do (occasionally) what they teach, but unaware and unconscious of what they are doing

Can’t even do what they teach, but expect you to do it regardless

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It’s not wrong beliefs that keep you stuck in poverty, sickness, or misery

Beliefs are thought forms. Words. Mind-stuff.

The Universe is holographic. Holographic, among others, means that the patterns repeat in big and small things alike. ((Although the whole looks quite chaotic, because cause and effect is hardly detectable, because of the size of the system (the whole Universe), if we had enough distance from the system, we would find patterns that are repeating… which is the nature of fractals and holographs.

Now, I am certain that the sentence above didn’t make sense to most, for the sake of the very few that can appreciate it, I needed to say it.))

One of the patterns is the tree-like diagram of root-stem-fruit. We’ll examine that pattern in this article

The roots are hidden in the soil. The stem looks the same for most trees. And then the fruit is very specific.

Most self-improvement systems are busy improving the fruit without

Turn your face to the light… avoid the darkness, avoid the shadow

I didn’t put this quote first, because I agree with it. In fact, exactly the opposite is true. All the light that is coming to you is lurking in the shadow, just waiting for you to find it… but, human nature, knee jerk reactions rob you of your birth right… And you end up living an empty life with no light… Ooops… This is what this article is designed to remedy.

Thank you for your concern all of you that were too afraid to send me an email, a message, good energies, your good wishes.

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Evolution, social genes, and brain plasticity

Your social genes haven’t changed in the past 200,000 years. They are still the same as when humans were hunter gatherers, the stone age. Social genes are the genes that define behavior.

Where do we see this? Hunter-gatherers were not adventurous. They didn’t go hunting again, until they had to. They preferred to share, to be nice to each other, that way they didn’t have to risk confrontation. This lived in clans, hunted in clans, and followed the leaders.

They judged everything by their first impression of it, or by prejudice: they didn’t experiment, didn’t stop to think, didn’t give second chances. A wolf in sheep’s clothing would be accepted as sheep.

And yet, this bunch of scared followers now live in cities, drive cars, study at universities.

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