The idea for the Muse came from Ariel Garten, personal vibration 120, a Canadian entrepreneur… curiously deserving a Wikipedia entry, while Dr. Joel Wallach hasn’t. Ugh.
Canada is home of the lowest vibration on the planet.
I had an interesting unintended experiment this afternoon.
I have a loud burr coffee grinding machine.
I was ready to make some coffee (I drink cold dripped coffee) and ground the coffee beans while I was doing something else.
I found out that I am much better ignoring memes than ignoring loud noises. I could not hear myself thinking. I was making mistakes… I pondered what I was doing…
This gave me an opportunity to put myself in your shoes. What it must be like to be living in the constant jarring noise of the memes…
Everybody dreams of a stress free life… even though stress wakes you up. Stress as in challenge. I am not talking about the anxiety where you are fighting what if scenarios… that will never happen.
My countryman, who worked in Canada, Selye Janos (aka Hans Selye), was an endocrinologist, who was the first to demonstrate the existence of biological stress.
Stress response, what stress can do to your body.
But in his groundbreaking book, “Stress without Distress” he showed that stress also keeps us alive.
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article
Selye ((Quotes
Adopting the right attitude can convert a n
In this article, I demonstrate what spiritual work is, through doing my own spiritual work… something I haven’t done, something that isn’t completed, but only started in this article.
What is money for you? Pennies? Dollars? numbers in the bank?
I caught myself this morning.
I, somewhere along the line, decided that money is coins.
As a kid, I collected coins in a wooden container. I stole coins from my parents’ coat pockets. I picked up coins from the dirt.
You have been choosing the shrink most of your life… and you ended up on my site with a meager number of capacities, hoping to get more out of life than you are getting.
You have been choosing, consistently to be a fat flightless turkey, in spite of your DNA that has flying as a capacity.
Yesterday I activated the capacity of Process for a handful of people… and it seems that this is a crucial capacity… Here are some interesting insights reading people’s notes who just got the Process capacity activated