Vibrational reviews: how other people do it

(Bashar,Ramtha,Ashtar Command,Sananda,Neale Donald Walsh,Wayne Dyer,Amma, Sylvia Browne, Sathya Sai Baba, Osho)

OK, I was browsing for other people’s reviews, and found this. It’s pretty good… I will add my vibrational review to it, probably in a different color for you to see what I say and what “she” said… She is the author of this post… Lady Miss Neptune, from NYC, I think.
10 Questionable Gurus and Impostor Entities
Posted on March 17, 2014 by Lady Miss Neptune
There is a stench in the spiritual community becoming more and more apparent as time passes. This stench is coming from the famous and influential names in the community. Those who in recent years have created much fuss over nothing. Those whose teachings are false, deceptive, empty, mundane, regurgitated, and only serve to maintain the status quo, all the while deluding followers into believing they are worshipping a most high-caliber being or following an ultimate form of teaching.

A most important virtue

Acceptance: what it is, what it isn’t

Acceptance… does it mean you like it? Does it mean you condone it? Does it mean you want it? Does it mean you are a doormat?

Accepting things the way they are, people the way they are and the way they aren’t, is the key to happiness.

But, as I am finding out, there is a confusion about what acceptance means.

For it to be clear, we need to first look at resistance.

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Intuitive, counter intuitive… what is that? Should you be intuitive?

The title of this post is tricky: what we consider intuitive and counter-intuitive, are most what answer the question: does it make sense?
And if it makes sense, then it is Tree of Knowledge, then it fits in with all the stuff that’s stored in your mind, and in society’s collective mind,…

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Curiosity, Inquiry, Discernment, Tree Of Life, Tree Of Knowledge, Mind, Brain, Thinking About, Thinking… Do You Know The Difference?

Sophie Benshitta Maven
You are wired to want to know You are wired to avoid uncertainty, wired to want to know how it all works so you can be safe. Understandable. Makes sense… you must use the MIND to accomplish that: feel safe, … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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