Yesterday, at the Days of Power energy download, people were blocking the flow. In the end I had to remove everyone from the call, and do the download by myself. Today, when some of the people apologized, I found myself … Continue reading
Yesterday, at the Days of Power energy download, people were blocking the flow. In the end I had to remove everyone from the call, and do the download by myself. Today, when some of the people apologized, I found myself … Continue reading
This article reveals the tip of a significant iceberg.
Icebergs are huge chunks of ice, shaped like a pyramid. The tip of that pyramid shows above the water level, the rest of the iceberg is underwater wreaking havoc. ((The other way to illustrate this is by looking at a duck… calm, collected, smooth… but under the water level the legs of the duck work feverishly. ))
With most things in life, the invisible part, what is under the water level is what works against you, unless you bring
Regardless of what you do, how you do it, how good or bad your life is… you are always stuck… Stuck in some deep bad place, or stuck on a plateau… stuck is stuck.
So learning what keeps you stuck and how to unstuck yourself, at will, is one of the most important things you can do… and the sooner the better. Because being stuck is not fun.
Cognitive biases, those knee jerk reaction tiny pieces of automatic responses, are at the root of your misery.
003_what-does-it-take-to change-into-a-new-career
talking points:
how do you know what skills to build?
reading books
providing services, small services online/offline through craigslist, fiverr
How do you choose the next step if what you are doing in the present isn’t it… but you have no experience in the next profession, the next adventure?
You may have no skills that you know of that would get you a job in the next profession…
But you may have some skills… or why would you want to go that way? After all, the rule of thumb is: go with your strengths… and if you have strengths, you know you have them, because you’ve been using them.
Here is how I did it. The time was 1988 and I was an architect. And that opportunity closed for me…
I did a skill inventory, and found that all my skills at that point were putting ink on paper… writing, drawing, designing… and communicating. With people.
Graphics, design, text, communicating… I decided that the best match was publisher, although I had no idea what I would want to say… Magazine publishing.
I was unemployed, so I spent my time training myself… designing ads, writing ads, and I even apprenticed with a small printer so I had some idea what printing entails.
Then I sent out two resumes to small local pennysavers… that I saw all the time in the supermarket.
One answered, and said that the only job available is advertising sales. That I would get someone to train me…
I said OK… The woman who came to train me (I didn’t have any transportation) gave me a script and went out with me to a few stores to sell advertising.
Next day she went and covered all the stores I could have been able to walk in and sold everyone she could… Dog eat dog is the advertising world.
So I called the other publisher. I told him I sold five ads on my first day… He met me and hired me, even gave me a beat up car to use, so that I can get around and do the job.
I was grateful. I worked 80 hours or more a week. I actively participated on Friday’s meetings when every salesperson brought in what they sold. After two weeks I took over that part of the job, laying out the magazine for Saturday printing.
I even delivered all the magazines to the stores in my sales area.
I busted my ass.
I built enough relationships with customers, typesetters, printers that after 14 months, when the owner felt threatened and kicked me out, I could start, overnight, my own magazine.
After that fateful meeting, when I got kicked out, I called the typesetter, called the printer, and asked for credit for one issue.
I got it. I stayed up all night, and next day at 4 pm my own magazine was in the street.
It was the beginning of a wonderful eleven year run.
003_what-does-it-take-to change-into-a-new-career
talking points:
how do you know what skills to build?
reading books
providing services, small services online/offline through craigslist, fiverr
How do you choose the next step if what you are doing in the present isn’t it… but you have no experience in the next profession, the next adventure?
You may have no skills that you know of that would get you a job in the next profession…
But you may have some skills… or why would you want to go that way? After all, the rule of thumb is: go with your strengths… and if you have strengths, you know you have them, because you’ve been using them.
Here is how I did it. The time was 1988 and I was an architect. And that opportunity closed for me…
I did a skill inventory, and found that all my skills at that point were putting ink on paper… writing, drawing, designing… and communicating. With people.
Graphics, design, text, communicating… I decided that the best match was publisher, although I had no idea what I would want to say… Magazine publishing.
I was unemployed, so I spent my time training myself… designing ads, writing ads, and I even apprenticed with a small printer so I had some idea what printing entails.
Then I sent out two resumes to small local pennysavers… that I saw all the time in the supermarket.
One answered, and said that the only job available is advertising sales. That I would get someone to train me…
I said OK… The woman who came to train me (I didn’t have any transportation) gave me a script and went out with me to a few stores to sell advertising.
Next day she went and covered all the stores I could have been able to walk in and sold everyone she could… Dog eat dog is the advertising world.
So I called the other publisher. I told him I sold five ads on my first day… He met me and hired me, even gave me a beat up car to use, so that I can get around and do the job.
I was grateful. I worked 80 hours or more a week. I actively participated on Friday’s meetings when every salesperson brought in what they sold. After two weeks I took over that part of the job, laying out the magazine for Saturday printing.
I even delivered all the magazines to the stores in my sales area.
I busted my ass.
I built enough relationships with customers, typesetters, printers that after 14 months, when the owner felt threatened and kicked me out, I could start, overnight, my own magazine.
After that fateful meeting, when I got kicked out, I called the typesetter, called the printer, and asked for credit for one issue.
I got it. I stayed up all night, and next day at 4 pm my own magazine was in the street.
It was the beginning of a wonderful eleven year run.
I have had a great day. In a conversation with Sarah I started to see what are some of the things you need help with.
It’s become clear that creating an inventory is going to be difficult for you, so I am going to create detailed instructions to help you with that.
The second thing is this:
I have been a spiritual, raise-your-vibration teacher for a while… and when someone asked what qualified me to teach, I could say that the fact that I did it myself, and went from a vibration of 185 to 930, consciously and with my eyes open.
Now, having done that is fine and dandy… but can I teach it? Good question.
But let’s look at another area: health.
At some point I got really clear that unless you have energy to do the work, unless you have coherence to do the work, unless you are well enough… I can’t help you much.
But I had a problem, an integrity issue: I myself wasn’t well enough to prove to you that I kno
People who have meaningful work, want to work more… they work willingly, study willingly, grow willingly. ((Meaningful work means you see the results of your work readily.))
What could you do to steal meaning into your life? So you can have a meaningful life?
The new year is coming. It is customary to make inventory, and to set direction for the new year around this time of the year… even though you are busy planning for Christmas.
Christmas is the right time… With your Observer, with your Witness, watch your level of abundance, your level of grace and ease, your level of love wit
What we go for is transformation.
Transformation is the magical seeming phenomenon when from one moment to the other, the world changes in front of our very eyes.
Of course the world argues that you can do anything you put your mind to, but this is a lie. You can do anything that you have the DNA capacities to do.
Capacities can be interpreted as abilities, but there is only a correlation. Talent would be a closer approximation of what DNA capacity is.
I have participated in transformational education for the past 30 years. Mos