Day 1-5 of Activation of All Humans on The Planet

Project: Full Activation of All Humans on Planet Earth Phase 1 Target vibrational frequency: 299 Standard vibrational frequency before the activation: 151 From my journal: Sunday morning I called N. in desperation. I felt alone, I felt desperation and hopelessness. It didn’t seem possible to cause a planetary shift even if I prepared a network powerful enough to support millions of people participating in it, at any one time

A Horror Story… Is There An End(ing)? Engrams, Invading Entities, Exorcism

I have been working with myself and two clients on cracking our engrams . Engrams Engrams are much like a memory capsule, much like an airplane’s black box. They are recorded with a human yet mechanical recording device, the reptilian brain , that never sleeps. The content of the engrams is every detail around a traumatic incident where you were in an altered state, sleeping, fainted, in anesthesia, or in a shock. None or little of it is available to the conscious mind, directly, instead the engrams act like a hidden program, like an ad-ware, that pops up whenever there is any similarity between the present moment and the moment of the engram recording.

Star Trek The Next Generation, Plugged Up Toilet, Foul Breath, Higher Vibration

Star Trek, Plugged Up Toilet, Foul Breath, Higher Vibration If you know me, you know that I love movies. There was a time in my life when I thought that meant that I should, somehow, be involved with movies. Today I know better.

Higher Vibration and The Illusion of Dark Side

Questions about dark side and dark energies are coming up a lot nowadays. My approach to dark side is Kabbalistic, because Kabbalah’s approach to this issue is the most useful for a human being who wants to understand the issue. You see, “where attention goes energy flows.” And that attention actually creates that which it energizes, even if it wasn’t there before. And even if you say you don’t want it. Like “I have no time”, like :I am confused,” like “nobody likes me.” creates exactly what it complains about.

Going Home, Kleenex, and Sai Maa

All my life I wanted to go home. No matter where I was, periodically I had this overwhelming desire to go home. Where home was, what home was… I had not idea. I just knew that I was going to recognize home when I get there

Clarity… delusions of grandeur

In my coaching practice I often bump up against a certain type of client, it’s never rewarding, it’s never pleasant. Let’s call the type “I am so great, why no one is seeing it?” Or maybe let’s call him Pete… why Pete?

How Does Your Personality Effect YOUR Life?

How does your personality effect your life? Some 44 years ago, when I was in high school, and a celebrity of sorts, I was presented with a lesson that did not land until just today. Back in 1963, my friend, Pamacs an I, applied to a talent show. She sang, I sang, she could strum the guitar, I was an accomplished guitar player. We opted to sing two Neil Sedaka songs, in English, instead of my native Hungarian. We stayed in the competition for quite a few rounds, and became everyone’s favorite Bambi. Duo, as we called ourselves. I have seen photos taken from the Television show, and we looked sweet, fresh, and just adorable. Everyone who watched TV watched that show: that was the only TV station in Hungary, back in the olden days 😉 Every Saturday, Pamacs showed up at our house, and we went dancing. She danced the whole evening, I danced maybe two songs. At the end of the night hordes of boys wanted to walk her home, no one cared about me. I was prettier than Pam. I was dumbfounded… Fast forward a few years… a few months ago Pam got in touch with me: the magic of the Internet. She now lives in London, married to a famous and absolutely smashing guy, step mother of an Oscar Best Actress winner, has a striving psychology counseling practice. I am not married (have never been), live alone, so you see, the story continued as it started. What is the difference between Pam and myself? If you guessed: her personality, you guessed it right. So that means that I am screwed, right? Now, I happen to agree with you, but we are both wrong. Potentially… Because in my new course, to be released soon, “Design Your Winning Personality” I have good news for you! You are not stuck with your personality, warts and all… You have built it, you can build another one. One that will get you what you want, the right guy/gal, the right job, the right connections, the right income, the right mood: happiness. Let me ask you a question: if you could change anything about yourself: what would you change? What do you think would happen different in your life, if you could successfully changed that? Please post a comment below. Looking forward to hearing your answers. xoxo Sophie PS: In my next post I will write about a real-life example, another friend of mine’s… how she changed from a needy wallflower to a married, happy, successful architect. Tags: personality,+persona,+character,+nice+person , winning , persona , the+face+of+your+business , mindset , change

What’s the difference between a presidential candidate and an internet marketing guru?

American citizens, eligible to vote, are divided. But whether you will vote to Obama, McCain, or stay at home and let others decide, one thing is certain, no one is looking at the real issue: The skill it takes to win the votes of the majority, i.e. win an election is a very different skill from the skill of running a country. Unless running it to the ground qualifies as running it…. 😉  as we have experienced, time and time again. Just like in politics, the same is true for teaching anything, including internet marketing. The skill it takes to be a successful internet marketer is a vastly different skill from the skill of causing another person’s success. We all look to our guru to teach us what to do and how to do it, so that we can be successful like them, and we all get very frustrated and very weary, because what they say and what they do are often different, and even if and when we did exactly what they said to do, we meet with meager success. How come? We seem all very surprised. Well, let me ask you this: have you ever heard of a successful football or basketball coach that played real well? Or the reverse: have you ever heard of a successful player that was also a great coach? Most successful players play from their “other than conscious mind.” Their conscious mind doesn’t know what they are doing: they feel their way. They say that chess masters use their other than conscious mind to play with lightening speed, that their conscious mind doesn’t even comprehend. I play freecell (a computer game). In the beginning I looked and looked, and only made moves that made sense to me. As the years passed, I am catching myself that when I give my other than conscious mind a good look at the computer screen with the game open, it knows what to do and wins the game for me. Thank you other than conscious mind. So what does this have to do with internet marketing? Unfortunately, a lot. They say internet marketing is simple but not easy. If we stay with the freecell computer game, the moves are real simple. but it is rare that someone can score a 100. why? Because you can make the simple moves ONLY in a certain order, and be successful at the same time. The pull to pick the low hanging fruit, and make the easy moves first, will certainly get you in trouble. And here are we, back where we started: The advantage of a good teacher is to give us a step by step plan… which the chess-master type guru can’t. He never did what he did consciously, so he can’t give you the plan. So what is the solution? What can a ‘guru’ give you that will make you succeed? I have come up with two possible solutions that look hopeful: 1. give people chunks of ready made pieces of the puzzle, and a simple assembly plan. i.e. do it FOR them. 2. give people and environment where they can do it with others, and guide them I am going to give you solution #1 today. I have prepared for you six websites, each designed to self-run itself and become successful with just a little help from you. And I have prepared for you a marketing goldmine: 103 different small and big strategies that you can follow to help nature in its work, and make the sites more successful, even take them to the top.

Diets Don’t Work, In Fact They Make You Fat

Diets don’t work
I know, I know, I am not the first person to say this. but…

I myself heard the expression, for the first time, about 15 years ago. There was a book written by a guy who owned a gym, I think in Texas, and the book starts with one of the best lines in history, he said “I had to call in fat one morning…”

That’s very funny, right? The word you expect is “sick” so when he says fat, you crack up. At least I did.