The quality of your life depends on your overall intelligence… intellect, body intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the ability to lie a full life, with a range of emotions, and to conquer difficulties, adversities successfully.
You are born with certain DNA defined potentials. No doubt about that. Your ancestry and its habits lead to your DNA being allowing and restrictive, and yet, all human capacities are encoded in your DNA… but what is not needed, what was not needed by your ancestors is dimmed out… “not needed”, Nature decided…
Sometimes the turmoil is caused by some inner pressure that is societally driven.
When being true to yourself is not politically correct.
Your ability, your capacity to hold controversy and ambivalence comes really handy when you have a turmoil.
Why? Because the urge to call the turmoil wrong, and the urge to look for a fix is overwhelming if you don’t have that capacity, that emotional and spiritual maturity.
And most people don’t.
Having the capacity to hold the idea and the opposite, without being overly perturbed is a very high capacit
((No, that amazingly flexible lady isn’t me: I was never that flexible, not even when I was in kindergarten, or ballet)) I don’t know if I have the right to talk about ignorance about health… in this particular area… because I have been ignorant for a long time now, myself.
Before I moved here, where I live now, I used to go to the gym or a personal trainer 2-3 times a week.
In my younger, school years I was an athlete, a gymnast, a swimmer, and in the past 13 years I was counting on the muscles I developed over the years… and… here is the ignorance, I didn’t comprehend that my muscles atrophied.
But… saving grace, I have a community center at the bottom of the hill, and they have a weekly seniors exercise class: to prevent falling…
No advice, no course, no program can give you everything…
… including my health consultation… unless…
What is this unless, that has been showing up in articles, for the past few days?
Unless you have a basic and accurate understanding of life, of health, or physics, of chemistry, of biology, of spirituality, no program is going to do much for you.
This is the main reason most programs have only a 1-10% results rate… Not because the programs a bad, but because the participants don’t know much of anything.
And I am talking about you.
Even if you are a reader… you don’t understand what you read, unless you have a basic foundation to understand what you are reading, to build a
Some people won’t adhere to a diet that would make them healthy.
Stupidity? Yes, stupidity on a very deep selfish gene level.
It’s not that they don’t understand the price they are paying.
It’s that they make choices that the genes are making: not making waves, not bringing attention to themselves, not being different, fitting in is more important than being healthy, having energy, feeling good, calm, intelligent.
Almost everything “social” is gene directed. I say “almost” because I am humble. I don’t know any social that is NOT gene directed, but there could be, maybe.
So what do the genes want?
The genes want to survive, and they want to pass into a new generation.
I have always liked getting things done. Why? Because everything that doesn’t get done is like an energetic attachment, like a ball and chain on your ankle, slows you down, and prevents you from soaring… having a good time, feeling free and unencumbered.
I don’t like those feelings, so I learn, test, experiment with methods that allow me to be free.
I even like to be lighter in weight because I don’t like to be heavy in any way, including physically.
I handle problems, issues, doubts, the same way… handle them so the weights can disappear.
Nicht Normale… as my parents used to say. Not your normal child… lol. And not your normal adult.
Yesterday I had an “energy healer” type of person on the Open Mic aka Talk to Me webinar.
Normally these webinars are really fun: we talk. Students ask questions, some great, some simple and to the point… they have fun, I have fun, and our relationship deepens.
Yesterday was a different kind of session: there was this “energy healer” guy… and he was into arguing, debating, talking about what he thinks, what he learned, blah blah blah.
He considered my webinar his forum to disseminate his wisdom. His learning. His take on the world.
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article
This article starts out very philosophical. If you can’t stand that, jump to here…
What is health?
No one has defined it yet, because just like “good” was until Dr Robert Hartman came along to define it, existed only in a context of good this or good that.
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article
What Robert Hartman said is that good is that which fulfills completely its design. That which is most fully itself.
This may be the most important article you read this year, this decade… because this article may inspire you to become a professional at living, instead of remaining a rank amateur… aka bumbling idiot.
Risk Management
You have two options. You need to choose. You need to choose the option that has the lower cost to your reproductive success if it turns out to be wrong.
Now, I suspect, that almost none of us think about cost in terms of reproductive success, but according to evolutionary psychology, you are a mere vehicle to your genes, your genes are only inte