The Eastern philosophy that put billions of people into poverty, living in hovels, by accepting it as inevitable, karma, really appeals to Americans.

Tweet What is so attractive about Eastern philosophy and karma? My guess is that Eastern Philosophy advocates being in the present moment. If you sit down, close your

Love: Missing. Project: Activate the Capacity To Love (Updated)

According to Anastasia, people born in modern society out of the fleshy passions of their parents and without conscious fathering and mothering while in the womb, born in a hospital: were born into fear and

Are you a moocher, a looter, or a producer?

Tweet Each of these is a distinction, moocher, looter, producer. Your belonging to one of these categories can be considered a sliding scale or a pregnant/not pregnant absolute, depending on your capacity to look at existence and not feel compelled … Continue reading →Read More

How Do You Do Your Soul Correction Aka Soul’s Purpose? How Do YOU Earn the Light, Given What You Came in With to This Lifetime?

How do you do your soul correction aka soul’s purpose? How Do YOU earn the light, given what you came in with to this lifetime? There are several ways to develop a body of knowledge, I think. The one that is a Tree of Life method (as opposed to a tree of Knowledge method that looks good but is useless) is how Dr. Edward Bach developed his Bach Flower Remedies, and how I develop the Soul Correction methods.

Vibrational Review: Morgana Rae from Financial Alchemy and The Money Magnet

Morgana Rae from “Financial Alchemy” Her personal vibration: 230. Dominant emotions: Mimulus , Agrimony, Sweet Chestnut, and Elm. Her teaching (truth value): 190 Her typical follower: 90 Dominant feeling: Sweet Chestnut That’s it in a nutshell Morgana Rae .

Vibrational Review: Dawn James: Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace

Dawn James: vibrational frequency: 195, book/information: 290, doesn’t connect to Source. Dawn James’ story is that she had a near death experience, and she came back armed with spiritual knowledge available only on the other side. Muscle test shows that this is a story. People who do have a near death experience are said to experience the Original Design and come back and maintain that knowledge, experience, and attitude as a result. Muscle test says that it’s a story

Tree of Knowledge or Tree of Life? Death or Immortality? Choose!

Tree of Knowledge or Tree of Life? Death or Immortality? Choose! Had we received the knowledge of good and evil from God, our discernment would include God’s perspective – but Adam chose to take the knowledge rather than receive it. I copied the above sentence from a very insightful interpretation of what happened in the Garden of Eden

You Cannot Build Your Own House By Tearing Down Your Neighbor’s. Tree Of Knowledge Or Tree Of Life?

“You Cannot Build Your Own House By Tearing Down Your Neighbor’s.” Tree Of Knowledge Or Tree Of Life? I read this sentence in an article on the Theta Healing site. It’s an interesting sentence. It kept me looking, feeling, inquiring, and connecting to Source for a while before I got my answer.

Becoming Like God, Clinging To The Tree of Life

Becoming Like God, Climbing The Tree of Life There are two fundamental ways to live life , and that reflects in every choice we make, every thought we have, every action we take. One way is to say: “I am all I can be, and my job is to make the best with what I have got. If I choose to grow, I have schools to go to, I have people who know more than I do, and I can learn from them.” This is the Tree of Knowledge way. The other is: I am made of the substance of God, and that substance is capable of being like God , as it is of God. Not only the substance is capable to be like God , it wants to be like God .