As you may know, I am leading a twice a week course, called Daily Connection. There is no set curriculum: the goal is to peel away the not-you. The not-self. The false self. Just like Michelangelo chipped away what’s not David..
As you may know, I am leading a twice a week course, called Daily Connection. There is no set curriculum: the goal is to peel away the not-you. The not-self. The false self. Just like Michelangelo chipped away what’s not David..
Failure, the big deterrent I had a dream most of my life to live in a school and be a perpetual student. I knew it was weird, but I also knew that the best time I have ever had was studying hard in school: being at home was really horrible for me. In 1987 I did The Forum, (Now it is called The Landmark Forum) and there was an exercise in it. The question was: Who are you that you are? Weird question, right
Well, this could be a real long article, even a book. I won’t go there… writing a book is way too long for my ADHD personality. But there is one teacher, who I admire, Colin Wilson (of “Outsider” and “ The Mind Parasites ” fame, who wrote a book, “
Most of the people I know are either stagnating because they don’t put themselves in a situation where they need to grow, or they put themselves in the courses and seminars and coaching programs to grow, but they don’t grow because …