If you have problems with your hair, your scalp, or with your skin, your teeth, you can research the internet for hours. And you’ll end up with a serious case of “learned helplessness” where you see that in a field where no one has the answer is all you can do is throw your hands […]
What is it that doesn’t allow you to learn that you have been wrong?

The biggest issue is not what you have. The biggest issue is how you use it.
I get a lot of emails. People want better health. People want more money. People want to make a difference. People want to have a higher vibration.
What no one has said to me: I want to know more. I want to see more. I want to grow.
One of my students wrote to me this morning: How must it be to see so clearly the truth of things invisible to others? I wonder.
If I took you on the top of the Empire State building, you would be able to recognize a few landmarks, more if you are from New York.
Vibration, the number, is like the number of floors you are above street level.
But it is not enough to be higher, it is im
Learned Helplessness: 50% of humanity is a wuss, a sissy… a cry-baby. In 1945 it was 7%… In Jesus’ time it was 1%

Learned helplessness, this is today’s topic. The opposite of “Bring it on…!” Your life depends on which is your dominant attitude.
Which attitude will get you what you want?
No contest, I hope, learned helplessness will get you more of the same.
50% of the world’s population behaves like they can’t handle it. It is learned helplessness… it is not innate. But it feels innate…
But it is, in reality, a reflex built and initiated by parents, religion, school, and politi