In this article I am going to examine what it is that separates from Producers from Hunters and gatherers
I had a conversation with my friend, Nancy F., yesterday. The topic of the conversation, after some wild twists and turns, settled on what is the secret of Jewish people’s success.
Nancy F. has always wanted what Jews had, without having to be a Jew… lol.
I don’t have a lot to say about that, even though I am reading a book about it. Why? Because being that way is like the air I breathe, invisible.
You know, like water for the fish is not there. Until the fish jumps out of the water, looks down, and gasps: Water! Then the fish splashes back into the water and water disappears for him.
Your behavior is always consistent with what you see.
And what you see depends 100% of your available capacities.
You don’t even look… because you know what is there… you know there is nothing to see.
The difference between a blind person and you is that the blind person knows she cannot see.
Why can’t you see? For two reasons:
1. your prejudices and cognitive biases
2. no one demanded that you actually see. The school system, your family, even the places where you work expect you to be blind, stupid, waiting to be told… and you don’t disappoint.
The few of you that can see are called trouble makers, or simple “trouble”.
In my quest to find like-minded people, who want to better humanity, I am watching videos, and am exposed the feelings of the speaker, commentator, or whoever is in the video.
What prompted this article is a bout of weeping… for no reason.
I am sitting here examining the context inside which this happened, and I Have had no reason to be sad, to weep.
So I ask, somewhat late, this usual question: is this mine? The answer is NO. Does this belong to one of my students? no. one of my readers? no. to the speaker on the video? yes.
Now, this was today. But whenever I watch a sales video… or maybe even read a sales email…
I get the feeling of the person who wrote it.
Most often: hope+fear: A perfect prescription for misery. ((
Her soul correction is Fear/Fearless. In the conversation it was becoming obvious that she had read the book “Feelings”. I have been so excited about. So the conversation was on a more even footing that most of my conversations: she has been paying attention and recognizing at least some of the dynamics the feelings have, and has been managing her fear quite well.
Buy the book “Feelings” Show proof of purchase for a pdf… you’ll need it. It’s hard to see the illustration on Kindle…
You have always wanted to get out of your head. You tried meditation
Success literature, books, articles, movies about success… are they worth following?
Success leaves traces… as in footprints in the sand
If you look at what people did, how they did it, the tracks converge and become the “strait and narrow’, exactly the way Leo Tolstoy says it in the Anna Karenina Principle.
So there is no wonder that I am finding articles nowadays that I could have written myself, if I were a success writer.
There are three types of success writers and success coaches.
One type: they can talk… and talk… and talk. No success where they are, because they don’t even try. They live by teaching something that they learned… but never successfull
If you suck the last little bit of energy out of your battery and then charge it, next day it will give you a little more… ((I just read that this is not true for all types of batteries… well, it is true for most people…)
But if you suck the energy sparingly, if you are more worried about the battery than about building something with the energy… at the end of the day energy is left in the battery.
You charge it overnight, and next day the battery will show full, but its full is only the 70% you used the day before…
And little by little, your sparing the battery attitude, your stinginess leaves you with hardly any energy to get things done, to think, to dream, to imagine, to be
This is a brilliant article… except one thing: I see this same thing across the board, across all ages. 20 to 70…
So this article is probably written about you, accurately, if you are not happy when you are not happy.
Why Generation Y Yuppies, and you! Are Unhappy ((By Tim Urban))
Say hi to Lucy.
Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s. She’s also part of a yuppie culture that makes up a large portion of Gen Y.
I have a term for yuppies in the Gen Y age group—I call them Gen Y Protagonists & Special Yuppies, or GYPSYs. A GYPSY is a unique brand of yuppie, one who thinks they are the main character of a very special story.
Parents are not trained educators. They don’t allow you to be a child: they only care about themselves… not you, no matter how much they pretend, even to themselves. You, as a parent, are the same way…
You would be better off living in a children’s home where everyone is trained in personal growth.
Because parents are much like those fraudulent personal growth, get rich, get well and thin, “take a tablet and become forever young/pain free/etc.” marketers.
Why? I guess a stupid person cannot teach another to be smart.
What is smart? It is smart to Learn from Life. Life has been around, successfully, way longer than you and me.
You want the good life… Creating the good life, health, wealth, love and happiness, will require creativity from you… ((This is the biggest difference between the age of The American Dream and today… then some work was enough… today just work is not enough.))
The opposite of creativity is timidness. ((And cowardice, and complacency, and having your hand out, and hoping that other people will do it for you. Am I describing you?))
Creativity is living at risk… Existential courage. ((Existential Courage
The antidote to the comfortable coma
The other day I stumbled across an ad for a workshop helping you to release your intuition. It used the standard approach to sellin
One of my clients is unwilling to take Omega 2 capsules, because he says: “I don’t want to get fat”
I first started to experiment with the fat burning metabolism some six years ago.
I liked the idea of eating sugar free ice cream from real cream…
I packed on 30 lbs, 13-14 kilos, in 10 days.
I have been eating a stick of butter a day, fatty lamb, and eggs… for two months now.
I am dropping between half a pound to a pound a week.
I feel good. I do have some carbohydrate cravings and I satisfy it by eating peppers, and almonds. Both slightly sweet. just enough to stop the cravings. A gram here and there…