22 Timeless Life Lessons From Children Stories

Some wisdom we could have learned as a child… but didn’t. But it is never late…
I came to America as an adult, and missed most of these animated movies… can you identify them for me? Please?
Also, if you have a good quote, wisdom, for life, from a children’s movie, a fairy tale, a…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12207/cartoon-wisdom/

Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read!


Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.
Enlightenment is a process, that could be called becoming…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12148/path-to-enlightenment/

What would happen if you considered YOURSELF a business? Would you continue mistreating yourself?

What would happen if you considered yourself a business? would you manage yourself differently? would you treat yourself differently? would you still spend your time doing what you do?
I bet you would have a ton of upset about the things stand now, and a lot to do to turn your life matching a business you’d desire to be! I know, this is exactly what’s happening to me

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12110/business/

How can I help you grow?

You may be one of the many people that find it hard to pinpoint what would be the best use for your life… what direction your life’s purpose lies. This article dives into that, and also into how to get rid of wasting your life away.l

Attitude in relation to yourself: your self-esteem

Attitude: the most potent invisible builder or invisible destroyer of your life, of your dreams, of your results, of your relationships. It is invisible to you, but glaringly obvious to others. Isn’t it time you took an inventory and start changing your attitudes, one by one.

How to Think For Yourself… or Don’t be a buffalo

When buffalo were still common in North America, Native American hunters learned a trick to hunt the herd animals. Buffalo don’t look up when moving as a group. In fact, if a few buffalo in a herd were startled into running, the entire herd would charge, even if most of the buffalo had no i…

Attitude, the most misunderstood word in the world… A holographic approach to attitude adjustment

Attitude is everything. If you take two people with the exact same circumstances, one will thrive, the other will shrink and perish. Attitude is your relationship to things. But not ‘relationship as an outward issue,’ but an internal issue. An attitude is relationship invented and expressed in language. It was invented, chosen, consciously, or unconsciously, in language. Mostly internal language, between you and you… you call them thoughts, but it is really a speaking you did… a decision, a judgment, a conclusion about you, about another, about the world.

How to be successful without being evil

One of the distinctions from Wallace D. Wattles: The Science of Getting Rich is called “The Creative Plane.” Most of us, most of the time, live on the competitive plane. The competitive plane has several aspects, and depending on your … Continue reading