Feedback from Stela… on the book and more

Dear Sophie, I enjoyed your book, The Grand Experiment. I had previously read some of your articles on the website. Any subject you treat offers new and interesting insights. It is like you discover every time the last skin to peel off in order to get to the true seed of the fruit. I found your website by searching the Internet and I am really happy and grateful to the Source for that.

Can Addictions Be Cured By Energy Treatments, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Even Activation? Any Idea? Read This Post To Be Surprised…

I am pissed. I mean P-I-S-S-E-D. Somebody has got to say it, and it might as well be me… because the party line is so entrenched, the party line is so popular, that it takes courage the size of Mount Everest to raise your hand and say something unpopular.

Vibrational Review: Donna Eden

Donna Eden Her vibration is 299… the highest of the so called energy practitioners’. She works exclusively with 4th plane energies. She doesn’t connect to Source (7th Plane).

Money Grabbing Gurus. Money and Vibration. What Does Source Have To Say About That?

Are gurus in it for the money? Are you just a means for them to get rich? Are the teachers that don’t make any money have a higher vibration? They are surely in it for you, right? Where should you look when you want to decide who to follow?

What Does Your Atlas Have To Do With Ascension? With Spirituality? With Connecting To Source?

Atlas _ 1 I have been having problems with my right leg. The pain, the frequent inability to walk, stand, or even to rest was extolling a price. Life occurred to me this way: it would be perfect if only my leg healed. Chiropractors didn’t have any answers

How Will You Activate The Light? Are You Part Of The Majority That Is Always Wrong?

How Will You Activate The Light? Are You In The Majority That Is Always Wrong? In this article I will introduce you to the ultimate trigger that operates the “faucet” for receiving light. It will surprise you, and it will, probably, disappoint you, but you will be wrong to take it that way.

The Truth Method: The Mechanics

This video shows you how I use muscle testing to tell truth from falsehood: the Truth Method . Two minutes… short enough? Go to Paypal to buy the downloadable audios that will give you vital details on how to use the Truth Method to get real guidance for your life, for your business, for your health

Addicted to The Law of Attraction? Manifestation? The Law of Attraction teachers and their vibration

Law of Attraction , manifestation, and other voodoo stuff has been around for about 10 years, or at least that’s when I first heard about it. The teachers of this voodoo stuff share one thing in common: their vibration is low and their vibrational shift as a result of the Activation of the Original Design is slower. Wow, how does that make sense? Well, it is not very intuitive, but I trust that you will understand. And maybe some of these teachers will read this article and change some of their ways

Money, The Planetary Activation, Free Will. Growth, Death. What Will You Choose?

Money. Growth . Energy to exchange for more comfort. For more toys.

Your Money And Your Higher Vibrational Frequency: What Is The Connection?

Your Money One of the issues people deal with is money. They want more of it. Let me share my personal situation with you: I dropped my car off at the shop on Wednesday. I heard some noises, and the car didn’t like me to turn as much as it used to