The hardest thing for people is to find the middle ground, the sustainable, the mean. The smooth. The life they claim they want. Everyone, on and off the internet, is trying to monopolize your time.
It is a lot like walking on a rope… any movement, leaning to the left immediately needs to be balanced to the right.
In rope dancing the consequences are clear and immediate.
In plate spinning: the consequences are clear and immediate.
In life, even in business, the consequences are removed, timewise, and unless you are astute with a very wide cone of vision, you don’t know what you are causing with each and every movement you make…
Talk about useless activity! Tree of Knowledge, mind candy, justifying self… all the bad stuff. Bad for you… keeping you exactly where you are… and if that is a bad place… then it keeps you firmly anchored to that bad place.
And it is the overwhelming habit of readers of my site.
But to make it even worse: it is the habit of some of my 67 step students.
Useless, waste of time, unless all you want is entertainment. Then I understand.
So if you actually wanted, what you read/listen to, to make a difference for you, what should you do?
Every day works best if and when you have a context set in the first hour of the day. ((If you prefer the imprecise New Agey language of Esther Hicks, the original quote is here
Take the time to line up the Energy first, and action becomes inconsequential. If you don’t take the time to line up the Energy, if you don’t find the feeling place of what you’re looking for, not enough action in the world will make any difference.
She is trying to say the same thing. Trying.))
For most of you this is the same old, same old, because you put your attention to everything the same old way. I am not saying you should DO something different every morning, that is not what I am saying.
As you know I do health consulting. Most of it is about how to eat and what to eat.
Yesterday I found out that my clients don’t know how digestion works, and therefore they guess at how to eat… Because this seems to be the general picture, that people never learned about digestion, I see that I need an emergency article…
In this article I rant about widespread ignorance, your ignorance… about how things work. Then I teach you stuff you want to know but never learned… about your body, about eating, about the secrets of being well…
I think it was Hippocrates who said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
He didn’t know that what we call food in the 21st Century isn’t. That there are more chemicals in what we call food than in actual medicine. That we now have access to “food” that our body does not recognize as food… Plants and animals from far away lands, or designer plants and designer animals, that no other living creature recognizes as food.
Cows’, sheep’, even pigs’ body doesn’t recognize corn as food. It gets sick from it.
Same with genetically modified alfalfa, soy and soy bean, and beets.
If you looked before you say “food”, you would know that.
If you were interested in what
This is a brilliant article… except one thing: I see this same thing across the board, across all ages. 20 to 70…
So this article is probably written about you, accurately, if you are not happy when you are not happy.
Why Generation Y Yuppies, and you! Are Unhappy ((By Tim Urban))
Say hi to Lucy.
Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s. She’s also part of a yuppie culture that makes up a large portion of Gen Y.
I have a term for yuppies in the Gen Y age group—I call them Gen Y Protagonists & Special Yuppies, or GYPSYs. A GYPSY is a unique brand of yuppie, one who thinks they are the main character of a very special story.
This is paraphrasing the famous Leo Tolstoy quote: “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This is the Anna Karenina principle… As all principles do, it applies to many, maybe even all areas of life. A principle is the same as a distinction… I say.
But truth is, if you know distinctions, if you know patterns, there are only about 50 different ways to get stuck… and your way is just one or two of those.
The story. Your story. It is either inspiring or it is depressing… either way it’s the context of your life
Your story can be your personal story. Telling what happened from your personal point of view. No creativity is required: it’s already applied generously.
Why? How? Anything that happened is turned into words… and words, whenever applied, create a story, a story line, an interpretation. Filters added creatively… Skewed.
Your story can be the story of your heritage. No matter how you tell this story: it is filtered through opinions, beliefs, and other filters.
With some movies I ponder for years why I liked it.
One of these movies is The Princess Bride. Why do I love The Princess Bride? Why do I watch it a few times a year, especially when my energy level is low?
Because, for me, the movie is about persistence. It’s about working towards something remote and maybe even impossible, and yet…
There are a ton of amazing quotable sayings in that movie… here is one:
Buttercup: You mock my pain!
Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
I like everything in the movie, but get especially energized by the Spaniard. Afte