Today I learned a lesson so cruelly cutting, my stomach hurt from it.
Now, being on the other side of it, it has opened my eyes to so many things, I am surprised.
I found out that some of my carefully crafted assumptions based in decades of education might be wrong.
I have been fighting it for more than a week now… and finally, today, I had to face the piper.
The polar pitcher, the equipment I use for energizing water, has changed: the pitcher you get on Amazon today are slightly smaller than what I own and have based my water energizing system on.
It makes no sense to me… and I can hardly believe it.
The biggest threat to “them” is the man who stops jumping
There is an issue that I need to address: your trained Chemophobia.
You have been trained to bark up the wrong tree.
You have been trained to have Chemophobia, and it is bigger threat to your health than the chemicals themselves.
Why? For the same reason that you are attracted to film stars’ sex life… You don’t know chemistry, but you understand some words. So you are morbidly curious…
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A lot of why’s are answered here… why you can’t get well, why you are not happy, etc.
People are the highest value in the universe. Why? Because they are able to be all levels of values, the thinking mind (systemic), the extrinsic (create tools, cook food, provide pleasure), and the intrinsic.
You live, predominantly on one level, and value what is on that level most.
Depending on how closely your valuation matches the valuation that is “godly”, or the Original Design, you fulfill the purpose of being human.
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You want to raise your vibration… maybe that’s the way to attract love, money, happiness to your life.
But you don’t have enough energy to do the work that would raise your vibration…
You are stuck between a rock and a hard place…
We each want to be unique, special, one of a kind. At the same time we want to be able to pigeonhole ourselves, so we can know how we are, so we can know what to eat, or what to pursue in life.
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The article asking: where do you look to define your value got a lot of “hits” and comments.
Reading the answers I saw that some fundamental distinctions are missing, in spite of the fact that I have written about all of those before, on this blog.
So after reading the article about the three levels of valu
I have been a spiritual, raise-your-vibration teacher for a while… and when someone asked what qualified me to teach, I could say that the fact that I did it myself, and went from a vibration of 185 to 930, consciously and with my eyes open.
Now, having done that is fine and dandy… but can I teach it? Good question.
But let’s look at another area: health.
At some point I got really clear that unless you have energy to do the work, unless you have coherence to do the work, unless you are well enough… I can’t help you much.
But I had a problem, an integrity issue: I myself wasn’t well enough to prove to you that I kno
This used to happen to me all the time: I’d get an email with a link. I’d go to the page, I’d love the results the guy is having, I’d want it. I’d buy it… then… I can’t use it. Even the tutorial videos don’t help: I lost my “vision.”
How come we buy things. While we watch the sales video, we feel clear about our need to have this, we feel clear about how it’s going to fit into what we are already doing, we feel clear about what to do.
Then the magic moment comes: we are sitting in front of the product, and we have no idea about any of that.
I hear that only one to two percent of buyers, on average
Context is one of those words that unless you have enough capacities, especially the big picture capacity, is impossible to explain… at least it’s been impossible for me to explain to you.
And yet, if you want to improve the quality of your life, the magic wand to do that is context.
You change the context and everything changes with it.
Your default context is, the context that is invisible to you, but obvious to everyone around you is not pretty. That is where you live… in that context.
Source says: You can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well… This is the signal I have been waiting for.
To be able to do Source’s work, I have surrendered to giving you what you want.
You want to grow? Then you want to be well? Not my favorite topic, not as high minded as I hoped I will work… but Source says: I can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well.
Maslow has said it, and it should be self evident: unless your basics are covered, money, health, you won’t have any interest and any energy to give to spiritual growth.