I watched this hour and a half long documentary on Sun Tzu’s lessons, and real historical wars America fought inside and outside of America.
I wept throughout.
I value, overall, human life. Even if it is the life of someone I don’t like, don’t respect, or who is the enemy.
So it was painful.
If you are one of those who doesn’t have the stomach for real life, who only wants to know about the nice things in life… You are stupid. Life is life, people are people, and life is war.
Spirituality, finding your way, finding your self, the path to living a life worth living use different tools from science, schools, the mind, and ordinary thinking.
Not just different tools, but tools used differently.
If you haven’t found what you are seeking… if your seeking has taken you on a wild goose chase only to find nothing of value for yourself… then you owe it to yourself to learn to use the tools and to use them in new ways.
My very first exposure to this was 31 years ago, in Hebrew, and I was shamed right after I got the exposure… so I don’t even know if anything came out of it, because I cried for two hours.
A lot of why’s are answered here… why you can’t get well, why you are not happy, etc.
People are the highest value in the universe. Why? Because they are able to be all levels of values, the thinking mind (systemic), the extrinsic (create tools, cook food, provide pleasure), and the intrinsic.
You live, predominantly on one level, and value what is on that level most.
Depending on how closely your valuation matches the valuation that is “godly”, or the Original Design, you fulfill the purpose of being human.
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I lead a workshop on Sunday. I had knowledge, I had strategy. I executed it. It was sloppy. What was missing?
I didn’t know. But “god” works in mysterious ways, the book I am reading has an answer that shows me what has been missing for me on Sunday and all my life.
The book, Peak, the new science of expertise, calls it Mental Representation.
Mental Representation is being able to see the finished product in your mind’s eye, and also see the process getting there, so you can anticipate missteps, and can correct, given that you
Real life is the game that – literally – everyone is playing. But it can be tough. This is your guide.
You might not realise, but real life is a game of strategy. There are some fun mini-games – like dancing, driving, running, and sex – but the key to winning is simply managing your resource
One of the things that immediately de-fuses an explosive situation, being frazzled, stress, etc. is accurately identifying what is going on, where you are at.
It takes stepping outside of the situation, looking at it from there, to identify what is going on.
You may have over committed… and so you are overwhelmed
You may have made promises without consulting the people you live with, and so your are out of integrity
You may be trying to prove that you are special… so you are in greed
Once you see exactly what the situation is, restoring peace, restoring calm, restori
The hardest thing to navigate, at least for me, is to take myself out of the center… Maybe because of my soul correction “Forget Thyself” but it comes back to make me miserable periodically.
I have been testy lately.
I have always wanted to be significant. Do significant things. Be admired… blah blah blah.
What I didn’t realize that like everything ego desire based, desire to receive for the self alone, it has a shadow side.
When you are significant, and someone doesn’t give you what you think they are supposed to… you are angry and miserable.
I had an interesting experience, very much in line with the Humility process I teach:
A client of mine wrote to me today recommending I check out a weight loss doctor. I did.
I went through an online self-evaluation which took me to a page where I could order my personalized regimen to lose the weight I carry on my belly…
I kept on bringing an open mind, curiosity… and finally ended up with what I could have started: I know nothing about weight loss… and I am not qualified to help people with their weight. Hm…
You get angry, you get frustrated, you get anxious, you get jealous… you name it, the emotions pop up and you have nothing to do about them.
But… and this is a BIG but: A normal emotion comes and goes, like clouds on a windy day. Com and go… sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy.
Emotions and feelings are energies, and energy’s nature is to move. If they don’t, you have the static electricity thing going: and because energy MUST move, it will explode… like lightening.
You just have to hold onto the emotion by resisting it.