One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled, filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment. ((This is a horrible thing. Do you know what is the worst thing about me for me?
I bet you would not be able to guess, so I’ll share it with you.
I expect you to be smart. I really do. And I am always surprised when I find out that you are not.
In my world smart means: quick and accurate on the uptake. See with your own eyes. Understand and be able to see things for what they are, without me pointing it out.
I’ve spent, so far, 20 years in Landmark. (the date of this article is 2008!)
The most important thing I learned there was that all the power for you lies in the part of reality that you don’t know that you don’t know.
Said in another way, the power to alter what is so you can have what you want comes from the part of all-knowledge that you didn’t know that you didn’t know.
They demonstrate the proportions with a pie chart: the whole pie is all that could be known. A thin slice is what you know. Another thin slice is what you don’t know and you know that you don’t know. For example I know I don’t know how to fly. These things you can learn if you have the time, money, etc. But what about the
I am reading this guy’s book. I say “this guy” because I don’t want you to read it. I want you to read my blog…
In a lot of ways he and I teach the same things, even though we use different words. He uses words from psychology and woowoo science… I use words like Amish Horse Training Method, Memes, Marker Feelings.
He is a money/marketing man. His vibration is 200, his accurate vocabulary is 600.
He is proof that you don’t have to have a very high vibration to be able to look from high enough so you see enough to make millions and even teach others to make millions.
He talks about beliefs, core beliefs, and subconscious… terms of psychology, but not the same way as other
I live in Syracuse, NY. The city is one hour south of Canada. The energy came from the North Pole… or the Arctic Circle? Swept through Canada… and came as far as Syracuse, for sure.
Over the 12 days leading up to Christmas and up till this morning the water energizing method didn’t work. Or more precisely said: the water lost its coherence faster than the energizer could energize… and therefore the people who were drinking the water lost their cell hydration. Me included.
My cell hydration dropped from 70% to 7%.
I hadn’t experienced that, first hand, for a few years now. I saw and felt it from others. But n
In this article I am going to examine what it is that separates from Producers from Hunters and gatherers
I had a conversation with my friend, Nancy F., yesterday. The topic of the conversation, after some wild twists and turns, settled on what is the secret of Jewish people’s success.
Nancy F. has always wanted what Jews had, without having to be a Jew… lol.
I don’t have a lot to say about that, even though I am reading a book about it. Why? Because being that way is like the air I breathe, invisible.
You know, like water for the fish is not there. Until the fish jumps out of the water, looks down, and gasps: Water! Then the fish splashes back into the water and water disappears for him.
Most winners in life master one thing in particular: they are astute. Astute: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people.
Accurately assess… as opposed to have an opinion, have a good feel, or guess…
Is that a skill, a capacity, a virtue? What is it and how do you get it?
A have a new “most visited” post, the 31 quotes that give you chills… Why? Because it promises an experience… an experience you crave in the consistently dull and painful life you have.
Wanting to get chills without any other benefits says a lot about you and your life. What does it say? For one: you are a mystery to yourself…
I have said it before… humanity bars its way to evolution by thro
If you need to eat ((everyone has a way that they need to eat to be the healthiest… the eating mode. It’s one of the things I measure when I give you an individual health “reading”)) by appetite, but you seldom have appetite… you are, instead, hungry.
When I mention appetite, I get puzzled silence in return.
Most of you don’t know what appetite is.
Your body has a language (like cats! lol) that is nonverbal. If you don’t speak the language then you are out of touch with your body, and likely your health is low. You have symptoms that tell you: you are doing the wrong things.
My new attitude to mistakes and such is this: it is guidance. It tells
In my weekly coaching call with my only business/marketing student last night, I went deep into the causes of why someone with a degree, why someone who is making a living, cannot move further up the life-satisfaction, life effectiveness scale.
I have found two blatant holes in him, that my guess is shared by all of you, or most of you.
1. a total blindness of what gives meaning and therefore the mood for life.
2. a total inability to see what is cause and what is effect.
So how do you fix that? You don’t.
When you find something that isn’t working or isn’t working as well as you’d like it to, your knee jerk reaction is to fix it. Or change it. Or stop doing it.
Putting a price tag on any coaching is going to be a lie. My strategy sessions. My 67 step coaching. My health consultations. My Water Energizer. My Heaven on EArth…
Really, almost any product.
For two reasons:
1. the value is in the eye of the buyer…
2. the value literally changes with what the buyer can and will do with it.
The client needs to become ready to use the coaching and generate big value with it. ((Cooking recipes come to mind. Unless you know cooking without recipes, unless you develop a feel for what works together, every recipe will be a disaster for you.
In life, you have as much room to be as your environment grants you.
Room as in elbow room…
The environment you are in, at home, at work, at the pub, at the club, in the community van…
My brother has a lot of room to be when he is with his friends. He is funny, he is smart, maybe even glib… that is the only place anywhere he has some room to be. Maybe he had room to be at work… he is retired now. Everywhere else he is under the “thumb” of someone… under the tyranny of someone. He should be different, do different… never OK, never enough, never the one… except maybe his grandkids? still adoring him… for how long?
I left Hungary to have more room to be someone more than who I felt the environment all