Arrogance, appreciation, Sherlock, myself and our pebble

Arrogance, appreciation, Sherlock, myself and our pebble If you have attended one of my Pebble webinars, you know that your pebble is your dominant desire that the world at large frowns at. I have seen, on the calls, the desires to be

Intelligence and vibration: how are they connected?

First off let’s distinguish what we mean by intelligence, so we can get on the same page, and hopefully mean the same thing by the same words. Intelligence will be, according to this article, the degree with which your perception coincides with what’s there.

A Rant: The Frustrations of a Teacher

[viralpullquote]Ranting: I use the word ranting as a reference to the original Ranters, nonconformist dissidents, one of many radical groups in seventeenth century England. We live in similarly turbulent times.[/viralpullquote] This article will probably offend you. I apologize if it does… though that just

Dark Side Part 2

Like with anything below the obvious (where most people live their lives, maybe even you?) you need to remove the top layer, to see the next one. This is exactly what happened today. I shared with a friend, that if … Continue reading →Read More

How do I measure vibration?

Sophie Benshitta Maven If you’ve read anything on my site, you know that am an empath and I can connect to you, or anyone who is sufficiently defined and exists, and I

Regrets, shame, guilt… can you love your life while having regrets?

I have been guided, for some five weeks, to see something… It had sadness, it had grief, it had regret… but I didn’t quite know what to look for. So I watched

What is the Self? Part 3: What happens when you find your self? Or after…

What is the self? This question comes up again and again. Is it the same as the ego? Is it the same as soul? Is it this, is it that? I have been asking

Happy Mother’s Day

Read More Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

Vibrational Review: Life Force Generating Machines, Bovis Scale, Energizing Water

Sophie Benshitta Maven Vibrational Review: Life Force Generating Machines, Bovis Scale, Energizing Water I see people searching for “bovis energy scale” “bovis scale water” on the site, and I get intensely curious. I used to

I made a terrifying discovery today: It is true that you create your life. But why?

Sophie Benshitta Maven Tweet I made a terrifying discovery today. The discovery has been long time coming, but today, because the circumstances were so different, I could actually see it. This discovery will change