It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

eb3bf6d2bcf2ecaf1ee944306d115dd2Some days I have nothing to say. It doesn’t feel like there is anything to say that needs to be said.

Some people never have anything to say and they talk all the time. Others think that they have to first formulate it in their heads to say it, and it never comes together.

Professional thinkers, writers know that “it is hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur wen you open your mouth.”

Thinking is a lot like digging for gold. Someone or something has to hold the dirt, or you can’t get beneath it.

For something worth thinking, something worth saying

Your consciousness is blocked from flying, your consciousness is starved

caged-consciousnessOne of the reasons the 67 steps coaching is wonderful, is because, done the right way, it leads consciousness on a trip that is both wide and deep. Wider than deep, by the way. But even if you remain on the surface, but go where the steps take you, you can raise your consciousness by a lot.

The insight came to me while sleeping… I was taken somewhere, and I consistently refused to go down a certain “tunnel”…

And that is the life of a human. It is defined more by the places you don’t go than the places you do. Literally

This is just for my empath students…

little-girl… when I snitched on my brother and he got beaten…

When you are young, and you don’t know you are an empath… life is very confusing.

It was confusing to me until, at around age 50, I decided to grow up. So it may be still confusing to you.

You feel being beaten when another is beaten. Very confusing. You feel their feelings, their emotions, and your own. It is often enough to push someone into schizophrenia. You are two people at the same time.

If you are not strong enough, you are gone.

Now, if your originating incident, the incident you made a big decision about yourself and

The map of consciousness… in practice: climbing the tree of life

fledglingsI am often asked to map out the path to raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, and become a full fledged human being.

The first step to any journey is to find out where you are at now.

As I muscle test people’s vibration… as I am merging my senses with theirs, feeling their feelings, I feel their overall relationship to life. I feel it stronger than they feel it… like a tool that puts your heartbeat on loudspeaker.

Most people give me feedback, saying “spot on” if they are from England, and then follow my first steps to feel better.

Why do people think that taking a little energy remedy, doing a little meditation will raise their vibration?

being churchWhy do people think that adding a little energy remedy to their low vibration life, doing a little meditation will raise their vibration?

Vibration number is an indicator to how close you are to becoming the peak of evolution: a human being.

If raising your vibration were a school curriculum, you’d start where you are, and move onto the next level only when you have maxed out the previous requirements. No jumping, no passing grades.

The subjects in the curriculum: Increasing awareness, the using and activating of your internal and external capacities

The secret sauce that makes you start having joy in your life

fox_and_hare, dinner or life?The fox and the hare tale: Why does a rabbit run faster than a fox?  Because while the fox is running for his dinner, the rabbit is running for his life.  All of life works the same way…

I have noticed that take-away, as a manipulation technique, works exceptionally well on me.

Here is how the technique works: you show something, and you state that it is only available at this price for a limited amount of time.

I find myself scrambling to get it.

More on the return of investment in light… and capacities

Ag_F1I got this email today. It’s seductive, it’s hypnotic, but the conclusion is totally wrong, misleading: the kind that makes you buy stuff and then never amount to anything.

I wonder why people, sellers, are afraid to tell the truth… That it takes work to get from A to B in anything, and to get from A to Z, where mastery is, you need a lot of work…

People buy my stuff… Even though I honestly tell the uncomfortable truth: without you doing your part, none of my stuff works… except maybe the Heaven on Earth… aka HOE.

But then again, they either don’t hear me or don’t believe me…

Anyway, read the story here, and notice that what they sel

Taking things personally

dont-take-it-personally2The hardest thing to navigate, at least for me, is to take myself out of the center… Maybe because of my soul correction “Forget Thyself” but it comes back to make me miserable periodically.

I have been testy lately.

I have always wanted to be significant. Do significant things. Be admired… blah blah blah.

What I didn’t realize that like everything ego desire based, desire to receive for the self alone, it has a shadow side.

When you are significant, and someone doesn’t give you what you think they are supposed to… you are angry and miserable.

So this is what ha

Your smarts don’t live in your brain. Comparing brains is a favorite job of scientist, but they are on the wrong track.

your smarts are not in your brainYour smarts don’t live in your brain. Comparing brains is a favorite job of scientist, but they are on the wrong track.

Instead they should ask questions that relevant… I wonder why they don’t think to answer relevant questions.

Questions like what happens when a really smart man has a daughter? How come that women, in general, are less capable, less able to make it in the world?

And the answer doesn’t live in the brain: it lives in the DNA.

Children inherit a combination of their parents’ DNA. A child can be smart, even brilliant as a potential, socialization will force

Current science’s view on DNA and what I say is the truth


Science talks about genetic lottery… haves and have nots, lucky and unlucky.

The truth is both simpler and more complicated.

Human DNA has capacities encoded, but they are either turned on or not. And even capacities that are turned of, may be used, or not used.

The kids in studies who are good at reading but not good at math are dealing not with a reading gene and a math gene missing, instead they deal with something less simplistic than that.

There is no reading gene and there is no math gene. On the other hand, there are 160 genes that lie underneath all the clever feats a child or adult can perf