The price of pretending being kind, nice, friendly, etc. All your colors vs. your true colors painted over… choose

In this article we are going to look at pretense, and what it cost you. It cost you more than it gains you… but the biggest cost is that you are stuck and you can’t go to the next level.
“All the colors I am inside have not been invented yet,” wrote Shel Silverstein, in his children’s book *Where the Sidewalk Ends.* It’s especially important for you to focus on that truth in the coming weeks. I say this for two reasons. First, it’s imperative that you identify and celebrate a certain unique aspect of yourself that no one else has ever fully acknowledged. If you don’t start making it more conscious, it may start to wither away. Second, you need to learn how to express that unique aspect with such clarity and steadiness that no one can miss it or ignore it

In the last blog post I spoke about all the ways you hide that you are a human, unwilling to be caring, loving, nice, accommodati

The evolutionary approach to your inner stress, lack, negativity, and misery

This article stands the current culture and the current approach to spirituality, consciousness, self-growth on its head… If you are happy to be miserable, please don’t read it!

Watch this short movie. If it doesn’t bring tears in your eyes, pain in your heart, then probably this article isn’t for you

A Brave New World… can you take it? Or the real reason why you have inner stress?

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The story of your life…

One of my greatest revelations about transformational methods was in the Wisdom Course, a year long Landmark program.

It was a method of telling the story of your life.

You can tell the story of your life in a lot of ways.

from abuse to abuse
from success to success
from the point of view of what school you went to

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Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill… if you don’t build skills, you can’t change your mindset

Before it’s a mindset, it’s a skill

With that said, please understand, that no one can give you skills. Therefore no one can change your mindset. Your beliefs. Your stored memories. Your misery. Only you can. All those people that do voodoo, thought shifting, energy whatnot, chakra healing, and other instant b.s. are liars, cheaters, fakes, frauds, and impostors.

The decline of humanity, I think, began or was accelerated when people thought that because they understand it, therefore they can do it, and do it at will, do it well, keep it up, etc.

Everything requires skills, and skills need to be built. With practice, over a long time. Just look at crash diets: you lost the weight but you built no skills to eat correctly, to redirect your urges, so you will pack back the pounds and more… No skills, no slim body… very simple.

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Bedwetting… what is in common with schizophrenia… or how to drive someone crazy

All children are empathic. And all children must abandon empathy because of the pretense of their parents and care-givers.
Of course, some people are empaths… and they must learn suppression, avoidance, going unconscious for long periods of times if they want to remain sane.
Let me explain.

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Change your brain… and you can change your life

It seems it is video-day here in my house… today. Mind you, I am not quite doing it for entertainment, I am looking for some solution.
In my coaching calls and even watching, observing myself, I have realized that some foundational skills are missing. They are the kind of foundation without…

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Are you good? Are you bad?

Our last Playground, earlier today, was on the topic of “good/bad.”
It’s a great topic. Why? Because you are limited by that, good and bad, more than most any other adjective: you want to be good, you need to be good, you pretend to be good, you fancy yourself as a good person, you sell your…

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I don’t have time to think… it is easier and faster to just accept what others say

Sophie Benshitta Maven
You complain that you don’t have time, but you are lying. I am not saying you mean to lie, but you are lying nevertheless. You think if you had more time, you would do your work, but the truth about … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Marketers are storytellers, often liars… Healers, teachers, gurus, are marketers. And they are liars if their stories are lies…

One of my favorite books is Seth Godin’s ‘All Marketers Are Liars.’ Now, this book isn’t teaching not to believe everyone’s story, it teaches how to craft your story so people that are like you, that people that are easily … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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Appearences are only skin deep: the truth is hidden deep under the surface

This is from the Kabbalah daily tuneup… very timely, given that we are dealing nowadays with pretenses, deception, lying, and all that fun stuff. Clothes Do