This is probably the most shocking sentence in the whole 67 step program.
I literally don’t know anyone who lives that way.
People try to succeed, try a diet, try this and try that… while their plane crashes in every area.
So what is the difference between who are like that, who are on their way to become that kind of person, and others who never ever land their plane on the landing strip?
If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system.
Train him to not trust his feelings. In anything. Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. Train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.
Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.
Are feelings and emotions the same? …or why all techniques of increasing Emotional Intelligence are b.s. and not effecting the level of happiness, the level of well-being of people who practice it. Same is true about the Emotional Guidance System of Abraham Hicks… b.s. and ineffective. Why? Because they are trying to change the fruits instead of the roots… Putting makeup on syphilitic lesions. ((In 1969, I was 22 years old, I was hanging out with a new friend, who was gay.
One day I got a phone call from the hospital ordering me to show up… I did. I was named as a person in the ci
You want the good life… Creating the good life, health, wealth, love and happiness, will require creativity from you… ((This is the biggest difference between the age of The American Dream and today… then some work was enough… today just work is not enough.))
The opposite of creativity is timidness. ((And cowardice, and complacency, and having your hand out, and hoping that other people will do it for you. Am I describing you?))
Creativity is living at risk… Existential courage. ((Existential Courage
The antidote to the comfortable coma
The other day I stumbled across an ad for a workshop helping you to release your intuition. It used the standard approach to sellin
During shopping. Is a fruit bowl worth the extra $3? It was 9.95, and it’s now 12.95… she says, and I have no idea how to answer. She has no idea what the weight of the fruit is, what the fruit would cost if you bought it and chopped it up yourself.
Just the question, out of context… is it worth it?
So what the heck is really this phenomenon: lazy, that is not lazy at all… but what is it really, if it is not actually lazy?
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article
The problem with language, any language, is this: words don’t mean the
OK, if you have found yourself not being willing, or not being able to do the practices, or keep doing them: this article is for you.
I have been studying learning styles, thinking styles, teaching methods to make my teaching more effective. And while it wasn’t a waste of time, because it brought me to this day and this knowledge, it was putting the cart in front of the horse.
Today I recounted some effective teaching methods to a friend… They were effective to me. But when I looked at all the people who were exposed to the same teaching, same teaching method, same teacher, at the sam
This may just be a legend… Yet, legends can teach…
Marco Polo was an Italian man who arrived into the Great Khan’s court. The Great Khan asked him and his two companions about the desert they had to cross to get to his court.
The two older men had little to say. Marco Polo, on the other hand, had a lot to say.
The two older men were banished, Marco Polo was given the role of advisor.
Because Marco Polo didn’t live his live with his consciousness buried in his mind.
WTF, right? What does that mean?
Mind and consciousness are not the same, don’t even live in the same