Experience junkie? Spending all your money on courses?

the experience junkieI used to be a course junkie. I have recovered… This morning’s incident is a good indicator…

I found myself this morning unable to connect. Connect to Source…

When I closed my eyes, I was buzzing…

I muscle tested: Am I tired? The answer was “yes”. Shall I rest? The answer was “yes/no” Shall I meditate? The answer was “yes” Shall I meditate for five minutes? “yes”

I closed my eyes, and within seconds I had this huge upheaval, with lots of tears.

Now, what the heck is that about?

I didn’t forget that I have been downloading the Day of Power energy over the past 36 hours… and whatever is there, spiritually, can spill out, and be gone… reall

Updated: Why are there so many fake gurus?

michael jordan taught with his behavior and his attitude. how many listened? not manyI had an interesting insight today.

Recently a man from Switzerland came to the site, bought some of my energy audios, and even came to a call. Although his vibration was very low, he had interesting ideas, and I was excited to work with him.

Today he wrote me  a “Dear John” email, saying

Sophie, …you probably wondered why I did not attend the seminar yesterday.

when trying to connect, my computer refused the connection.this expresses a change of mind I felt yesterday.

I knew, that this path is not for me. t