This article will be deemed self-aggrandizing, or something of that sort… and I don’t care. Truth is truth…
I am 69 years old.
I have lived, this is a 20/20 hindsight, my entire life on the 13th floor. Two months ago I would not have said that: I didn’t know there is such a thing…
Having live there all my life: I am having a real tough time to say how I got there… because I never lived on the 14th or the 15th floor… the 13th floor is reality, based on your sensory organs, not on thought.
My brothers did live on the 14th floor. Both. My father also lived on the 13th floor. My mother didn’t.
The biggest difference, looking through my own eyes now, is the meanings. On the 14th
The most difficult thing to see, the most difficult thing to accept is that even though you are looking, there can be something right in front of you, and you won’t see it.
Instead you’ll see what you know is there.
This is the source of most mischief.
In fact, this is the source of your low vibration.
When, for example, I say you live in the basement of your being, I am using a simile.
When you are in the basement, you can’t see what is happening on the other floors, you are physically blocked from seeing it.
Around the time when I graduated from Architecture School, my brother impregnated a woman 10 years his senior, who wanted to get married.
I recommended that he pay for her abortion and call it quits.
To my surprise he listened to me. (This is the phenomenon, when it is NOT pushing on a string… rare) I didn’t know why and how I knew that the woman just wanted to marry a Jewish boy… that it wasn’t for love, or for mutual support. I didn’t know I was an empath.
Knowing what is people hidden nature is a blessing, and is a burden. And an invaluable tool in coaching. You can’t lie to me…
Most people want to go down danger’s, death’s path… it is their path. Talking to them it is like pushing on a
We could safely say that your vibration number faithfully expresses the degree of alignment between your personal reality and actual reality.
Your personal reality is your map of reality.
You built your map of reality, what you think is out there, what you see out there, what you hear, taste, touch… filtered through your map of reality… you built that map through what you were told, and what you took from what you were told.
The average vibration on the planet, at this time, is 128. That is a 1% truth value, a 1% match between your personal reality and reality. It means that you don’t see 70% of what is out there. And what you see, the remaining 30%, you see it 70% wrong.
This morning I am running on fumes… (or how to increase your Twitchy Little Bastard ((TLB – Twitchy Little Bastard; a person who is counterproductively anxious for results. Who has no ability to control his urges…)) score)
Some activities fill you up, some activities drain your energy.
One of the most important capacities one can develop is to tell the difference… and start managing one’s energy.
Sometimes you give your energy to another and get back nothing… Maybe money, but money does not fill you up. Money does not give you energy. It may buy groceries… but even groceries only give you physical energy.
The depletion is of psychic energy, of spiritual energy, of intellectual energy.
Visualization is a tool to accomplish what you want, but it can also be the tool to diagnose what you are not resonating with. Or a tool to get trapped in the desire trap.
The ultimate clue as to what you can have and hold onto, is to what degree you can visualize, what detail, what variety of images you can have in your “movie”.
This is what vision boards and vision movies use.
As with any other singular method, the results are a mixed bag: about 6% of the users see their vision materialize, some sees some result, most see no result.
Why is that? why is it that a Frank Kern, millionaire marketer, can envision in one afternoon a whole life, with a lot of details, like the tiles of the bathroom, and a few years la
This article reveals the tip of a significant iceberg.
Icebergs are huge chunks of ice, shaped like a pyramid. The tip of that pyramid shows above the water level, the rest of the iceberg is underwater wreaking havoc. ((The other way to illustrate this is by looking at a duck… calm, collected, smooth… but under the water level the legs of the duck work feverishly. ))
With most things in life, the invisible part, what is under the water level is what works against you, unless you bring
I am reading a book ((Return to the brain of Eden by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn. Truth value: 7%. Careful, that means 93% b.s. If it is such low truth value: why am I reading it? Because, as you’ll see later in this article, I can tell truth from falsehood, because I read with my right brain, I can get from the book what I need, and none of the b.s. You can’t… yet.
I just started the book, but my hunch, at this early on is that what they say about food is what’s off… )) that says that humans used to be able to live from their right-brain, meaning they were a lot more intelligent.
And how it doesn’t mean to please everybody, or even one person. You’ll see…
Our language is so corrupt, it is hard to find a person who means what they say… I mean the words. You’ll see what meeting others’ expectation is… Not what’s on the illustrations… 🙁
The most willfully ignored need, in my experience, is the need to meet others’ expectation.
What prevents you from honoring that need is a misunderstanding. Or we could say: the mis-weighing bias. All biases are misunderstanding how things work, shortcuts that give you a different result than what you expected.
In not honoring but ignoring this need, your chances for success, your chances for love, for self-expression, for happiness are so greatly diminishe