What is everyday arrogance? It is simple, and so everywhere, all the time, that it is invisible.
You see something. You hear something. And you know what it means.
That meaning that you know, and you know that you know it is everyday arrogance.
The fact that you know what is your job, how people are, what was the question, where you need to look, what is missing: without looking, is everyday arrogance. Already knowing…
The first phase of raising your vibration is unlearning. Letting go. Getting rid of attachments, the chains that hold you down. Most people have a few attachments. The ones that don’t have any outside attachments, have the two that everyone … Continue reading → Related Posts: Winners don’t fight what is: they use it. The […]
One of the reasons the 67 steps coaching is wonderful, is because, done the right way, it leads consciousness on a trip that is both wide and deep. Wider than deep, by the way. But even if you remain on the surface, but go where the steps take you, you can raise your consciousness by a lot.
The insight came to me while sleeping… I was taken somewhere, and I consistently refused to go down a certain “tunnel”…
And that is the life of a human. It is defined more by the places you don’t go than the places you do. Literally
Happiness is an energetic phenomenon, it is not a “feeling” per se, albeit it is a feeling of flow.
Well-being is also an energetic phenomenon… and just like happiness, it is a feeling of flow.
Flow is the undisturbed, unrestricted life force. It’s energetic. It is real. It is not a feeling… it cannot be pretended.
Your mind cannot pretend that there is flow, you cannot imagine flow and flow would happen. It happens the other way around: there is flow and then your mind catches up with it… only to often just block it again
I am often asked to map out the path to raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, and become a full fledged human being.
The first step to any journey is to find out where you are at now.
As I muscle test people’s vibration… as I am merging my senses with theirs, feeling their feelings, I feel their overall relationship to life. I feel it stronger than they feel it… like a tool that puts your heartbeat on loudspeaker.
Most people give me feedback, saying “spot on” if they are from England, and then follow my first steps to feel better.
The single reason most people don’t want to work with me is this: I will rob them (attempt to) of their sob story. ((Sob story: a repeating way to be miserable, to lose out on life, to be beaten down))
What’s a sob story?
Well, everybody has one… It was born after an incident in early childhood.
Something happened, and you made a decision about yourself, about the world, about your mother.
Some people have interlocking decisions, making the sob story as strong as a Greek myth.
As long as your sob story is intact, you lie through your life to mai
Warning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to remain hopeful
I had a few insights today, one of them suddenly answers a question I didn’t ask before.
The question I didn’t ask was: how come the people with nothing of real value to say occupy the top 1% of the internet?
This is what happened? I saw an email that offered a list of 241 top influencers on the internet. I looked at the list, and there was not one person who had anything to say that could make the world a better place for h
I mean this article to be the first installment in a series.
The underlying principle is the Anna Karenina principle
The Anna Karenina principle
The Anna Karenina principle is: good systems must meet simultaneously a number of requirements. All good systems are alike, bad systems are bad in their own way
Tolstoy said: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way
Aristotle said: success/failure: …it is possible to fail in many ways (for evil belongs to the class of the