Are you healthy enough to have meaning to your life? Purpose?

This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.

Meaning: Following THAT Star. The alternative is Meaningless
This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.

Humans are strange animals: they need meaning to make their lives to feel more than just existing. They need purpose to give a backbone, to give direction, to transform a life of prose to poetry.

But life is, in itself, empty and meaningless… so how do you find the meaning, how do you find the purpose?

I was 38 years old when meaning first entered

Being judgmental is a result of your health number being low

judge and be judged

  • One of my ex-students got offended when I suggested that she does her homework instead of having excuses. She left and she stopped visiting my site… I felt the ‘F… you’ from her… When I asked yesterday if she was angry, she said… “No, I just need to grow thicker skin…” Her health number is 7%.
  • One of my students took two years to finally get a job, because in her last job she felt judged… for being different. She is Chinese in a predominantly White country. Once I adjusted her diet… she is flying. She went from 10% to 50% in her health number.

Just because someone’s vibration is low today…

the-future-is-not-set-in-stone-and-even-if-it-was-stone-can-be-broken-quote-1…it doesn’t mean that they are a bad person. Or that vibration, that future is set in stone…

Your vibration is an accurate snapshot of where you are on the vibrational scale today.

Your guru, your spouse, your boss… or yourself could jump to a whole new level of vibration even without any spiritu

What is health?

A German who escaped just before all the Jews were hoarded into concentration camps in Germany, came to the United States.

His name was Robert Hartman.

His experience with evil uniquely qualified him to set out to deal with the age long question: what is evil, what is good?

He took on himself to define good… the strait and narrow. Many philosophers failed in that: after all the strait and narrow is delineated by the land that encloses it, not by itself…

But he succeeded.

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When something isn’t working consider that it’s because there is something that you don’t know.

know-everythingWhen something isn’t working consider that it’s because there is something that you don’t know.

Whether the something that isn’t working is money, love, health, business, school… the answer is always “there is something you don’t know.”

The brilliance of this statement that turned a broke loser, a serial nebbich, Harv Eker into a multimillionaire T. Harv Eker. The brilliance is that because you don’t know what it is that you don’t know… you need to open yourself up to looking. At everything. And a lot… Expose yourself to seeing stuff. He did it, and he is now rich. This one sentence, this one stateme

Life is a lot like traveling by train…

senior-man-traveling-train-15401290Life is like being in a train: you can look out on the left side, the right side, the back, the front… but it won’t change that you are on a train that will arrive to its destination, no matter where you look.

Most of us live this way most of the time.

We do our jobs, we do our relationships, we do our projects, we do our lives this way.

Fulfilling? No. Enjoyable? It depends…

Ultimately we are plagued by a nagging sense that we are out of control, that no matter what we do won’t change anything. Some of us feel doomed. Some of

Doing your soul correction, shifting your state of being, toughening up


What is the easiest method to shift someone’s state of being?

We already know. Children, when they cry because they hurt themselves, can be brought out of crying by directing their attention to something more interesting, more engaging.

We use it in the Soaring Method.

I use it in almost every coaching conversation I have with people who are stuck in some unproductive state of being, like sadness, despair, maybe even resistance.

State of being, mode of being, beingness… al

If you want the good life, you’ll need to “do” life differently

red-rock-coulee-c2a9-2012-christopher-martin-2406If you want the good life, you’ll need to learn some stuff, and unlearn some stuff… but most importantly you’ll have to learn how to and how not to… Remember the how? How you do anything is how you do everything… it is the approach, the attitude, the beingness.

There are a great many ways you can remain unaccomplished, and left behind in life.

Almost as many ways as many people. This is the Anna Karenina Principle.

As with everything, the strait and narrow work

Why is awareness the predictor of future success, why not skills or knowledge?

shearling-coat-2The first few steps in the 67 steps are long, rich, convoluted audios. Why? Because no matter how long the audio, you’ll only get one little thing, if that, because the cone of vision of your awareness is as wide as a pencil.

Did I notice, did I take in all he spoke about my first time around doing the 67 steps? No. I didn’t.

It is like traveling in a car. If you look out the window, you miss the conversation in the car. If you take part in the conversation in the car, you miss the whole trip. If you read, if you are hungry…

The goal is to expand the cone of awareness s

The feeling that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you

3052758966_aff579c03d_zThis feeling can be colored by fear, dread, can feel like anxiety, but at the root of most fear is a sense that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you.

Not big enough, not smart enough, not fast enough… Not enough = insufficient.

Now, for most people, feeling this is all they need to run for the hills.

For some people, they can hang in there, waiting for the feeling to subside.

For some people, unless they feel up to the task, they won’t even start.

For me: I know that unless I feel that and go beyond it, doing what I don’t feel I can, several times a