“To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.“
I am continuing the inquiry into curiosity… the intrinsic motivation of humans… how you lost it, how to rekindle it… and what might be in the way.
I am going to use myself, because curiosity is so rare, and so relatively unconscious, unobserved, and unacknowledged, that I don’t even know who I could ask about their own experience… Let’s hope that this state of affairs will change soon.
The hectic, information driven culture in which we live, where everyone considers themselves eligible to post
I am prone to depression. Not sadness, but a loss of aliveness, a loss of inner motivation.
I have barely came out of a bout with one… and have been intensely curious of what caused it.
Depression, as I experience it, has no emotional reason.
When I look, I have no reason for depression, so the cause is not outside of a person… it is an inside job.
My experience has been that the factors are nutrition and sleep.
When certain vitamins are low, whether the consumption is low, or the wrong foods gobble them up, low Vitamin B levels, all sorts, B-1, 5, 12, 9… I have distinguished so far.
Most people think that they are honest people. Some others know that they lie about this and that.
What they don’t know is that they live on the top of a huge iceberg of lies, delusions, pretenses, but they can only see the tip of the iceberg… unless.
This week was a line of demarcation for me, in more ways than one.
As I wrote in my last blog post, I got suckered into making some stupid self-serving changes on my site. I was lucky, I caught it before it went totally dead.
Article truth value: 10%. Why so low: because the author doesn’t know about the fact that all food is toxic to some level to people whose ancestors did not adjust to that food, and develop counter measures.
Also there is a lot of Tree of Knowledge in the suggestions. I’ll add my notes where I can.
Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions (about a billion according to my muscle testing) of people are struggling with and don’t know it.
Living in the three levels of value, the systemic, the extrinsic, and the intrinsic, lived fully, and balanced, is the secret to the good life.
The Indian sages, including the Buddha, skipped the extrinsic. They taught people not to live there. They had a disdain for it.
But work is on the extrinsic level, making money is on that level, so skipping it means living a life of charity. Living a life where you cannot value another person on all levels… because you don’t value the values of that level.